Chapter Seventeen

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I twirl my pencil between my fingers, staring up at the board as the professor continues to fill in a chart detailing the characters for The Lost Princess and connecting them to popular figures today. If only I could pay attention to what he is saying, but my mind is bouncing between the information that I learned about my mom and the surprise that Taehyung is going to give me when I finally leave this hell.

"I know that we have spent a lot of time on this book, but we have been having such great discussions, that I think it is worth it," the literature professor, Dr. Wang, places the dry-erase marker on the desk. "Next time that we meet, I will give a test to wrap this up, and then we can start on the last half with some short stories."

I scribble down the information that he just said into my notebook.

"If you review your notes, and can recall the major points for the story, you will be fine. Now, I hope you all are getting ready for the cold. Have a great rest of your day. Class dismissed."

Everyone around me rushes to pack up and get out of the room as quickly as possible. I used to worry about being the last one to leave, but now I feel no pressure.

"Areum, it is nice to see you back in the classroom," Dr. Wang speaks up as the last students trickle out of the classroom.

"Just felt like a good time to come back," I sling my backpack over my shoulder. "If I don't take the plunge sometime, I'll just continue to be stuck in whatever I find comfortable."

"That is an interesting way of looking at it," he chuckles. "You have always been one interesting girl."

"See you later professor," I briefly wave, quickly exiting the room so he doesn't see the disgust take over my face. He is another person to add to the list with the Fakes that I will not miss once this semester is over.

"Areum," the sweet voice of Haru fills my ears as the girl skips up to me. "I think it is finally safe for me to come up to you without fear that those girls will push me out of the way." A wide smile on her face causes the dimples in both her cheeks to appear.

Haru is a smaller girl at around 165 centimeters, and on the plumper side of what I can only guess as close to 56 kilograms. She is round because of the extra weight, and I have always found that it matches her sweet personality perfectly. Her long black hair is like silk as it runs down to the middle or her back, bringing out the light brown in her big eyes. A nice patch of freckles rests on her plump cheeks and button nose, causing her to even be cuter and more likable. If I remember correctly, she is a year older than I am, but we are in the same year. She mentioned a learning disability some time back, but I never pushed her on the issue.

I giggle, "Sorry about that. They were like leeches, and no matter what I did, I just could not get rid of them."

"Don't worry about it," Haru waves off my apology. "Their dads are big and powerful, and Bangtan needs them. I just wish you would partner up more with the little guy. My dad has little coffee shops all over the city, and each has a different animal theme. I'd love for him to partner with a big name to get more recognition." She pulls her hands back into her sweatshirt sleeves, waving them around in a nervous habit.

"I'd love to get in contact with your dad, Haru. The little guy means more to me than those big corporations," I shrug. "I'm sick of sucking up to them to make sure we can do deals."

"That boy those girls were talking about; Taehyung I think they said. Is that really your boyfriend? Is he the reason you have us lie to your brother about being at the club?"

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