Chapter Eighteen

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I feel like my whole body has gone numb as I stare at Yoongi. His question bouncing around my head with such velocity that I can barely think. How did he even piece together that I have been going out with someone with how careful Taehyung and I have been? How much does he know about who I am seeing? If he knew that I am with a mafia boy, would he be this calm?

Yoongi grins as I sit silently trying to come up with an answer to his question. He knows that he is right, the bastard. "Well, when did you meet? You can at least answer a couple questions I have about the boy."

"At the, at the um, the viewing," I look down at the table. "Just another person who came to give condolences and such. I didn't think that it would build into anything else. Not with the way he acted at first, anyways."

"Were you together at the Halloween party?"

"Yes, yes we were," I turn my hands over to see the redness from slamming them on the table. "That was the first time that we, the first time that we were able to be public, but at the same time not. We were hidden from you, and we had our first kiss then. It was nice to dance without a care in the world."

"He drives you home after the club lets out, right? You said that it was Haru at first, but I knew that wasn't right, and she let me know that she was not the one driving you home.

"Yeah, he drives a motorcycle, and it gives me a thrill like no other. He's very cautious, of course. Not a wreck on his record. I trust him."

"You've been together for a little bit then? How do you feel about him?"

"I love him," I say with ease like any of the other answers. "I love him with all my heart, and he loves me. I know that I had a bad relationship some years ago, but this isn't going to end like that at all. I know him enough to know that he would never hurt me. Hurting me would rip him apart inside. If I had even an inkling of a feeling that he would end up like my first love, I would walk away without a second thought. But I have never gotten that feeling when with him. I love him, Yoongi. You can't take this away from me. You can't take my happiness away from me," I shake my head to keep tears from falling.

"I would never take your happiness away from you, Bambi. All I want to do is protect you, and I just want to know about this boy. Who gets to call my precious sister their girlfriend?"

I slowly look up, looking over at Yoongi, "I can't tell you."

"What? What are you even saying? You can tell me his name. I promise not to look too much into him. Well, I promise that I won't tell the hackers to look too much into him. I'll give you privacy until you want me to meet him."

"If I tell you his name, I fear that you might explode."

"Over a college book club nerd?" Yoongi chuckles. "I'd be more afraid for him, since he probably doesn't even know how to fight, and you could kill a man with your bare hands."

"Well, he's not a total nerd, brother," I nibble on my bottom lip. I'd love to tell him that Taehyung, Bangtan's top hacker, has come to my side, but every scenario in my head ends in yelling and crying. "This guy actually has some muscle, and I bet that he could fight me to some extent. Not that he would ever do that. He has no need to ever do that."

"I would hope that the one that loves my sister would never fight her," Yoongi chuckles. "Are you afraid that I will judge you for whoever you have fallen for? I would never judge that."

"You know full well that judging what the heart wants would get you nowhere," I roll my eyes.

"Or maybe it is because you really are dating a girl." He hums, "Well, to say I am shocked would be true, but it does not matter to me. I'll tease you for a bit. Of course, I will get used to it after a while."

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