Tokka-New Found Feelings

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This takes place after the war
(Everyone is aged up so Toph is 17and Sokka is 19)(ITS MY STORY IM ALOWED TO MAKE THEM ANY AGE I WANT😝)
Tophs POV

Sokka has been acting distant ever since he and Suki broke up, while it was mutual, he still missed her and I understand that. However it was still putting a damper on everyone's mood.

I was working on my metal bending in the courtyard of the palace and I was so into what I was doing I didn't notice someone approaching me until he spoke.
"Toph, can we talk?"
I was so startled by the sudden sound that I dropped the small pieced metal I was bending and fell back into the fountain I was sitting on.
"TOPH!" Sokka shouted while rushing forward to help me out of the fountain.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you."
Sokka apologized helping me out of the fountain then rubbing his neck nervously.
"It's okay, I'm just glad you're finally coming out of your room." I said throwing a (what I guess) warm smile in his direction, I could feel his heartbeat picking up and he was shifting nervously from foot to foot.
"You okay meathead?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
Sokka gave a small chuckle and sat down next to me sighing, "Not really no."
My smile disappeared and I sighed.
"You can't mope forever meathead."
"I know."
We sat in silence for a while and I eventually picked back up the piece of metal I was bending and started bending it again silently. Sokka didn't appear to make a move to leave and instead sat on the ground in front of me just watching me bend.

Sokkas POV

She was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare, while I had been in my room for the past week I spent the majority of it thinking. The truth was, I was kinda relived when Suki went back to Kioshi island. I had been feeling weed around Toph lately and when I saw her in the courtyard I couldn't help but go down to her. Now she was still so focused on her metal bending that I didn't want to burden her with my emotions when I still didn't entirely know what they were yet. So I just sat there, starring at her beautiful face taking in every detail. Her porcelain skin and her slightly rosy cheeks and her silky black hair that contrasted her skin in a way that made her appear to be glowing like a goddess. Her pale green eyes that were looking straight ahead of her even though they showed determination in them to get the metal into a specific shape, her small button nose and her pink lips that looked so very soft. I eventually rest my arms on her legs and lay my head on them all the while still starring up at her. Tophs eyes widened  and she blushed, she also opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Tophs POV

I didn't know what to say or do so I just continue bending the metal into the shape I wanted. I mean, what could I do, Sokka my best friend and longtime crush was laying on my lap and starring at me! I just hoped I wasn't blushing, and that Sokka couldn't tell how nervous I was. I eventually her Katara calling me in for dinner. I went to stand up but Sokka still wasn't moving.
"Um- Sokka- it's time for dinner..." I was hoping he would get the hint.
"Oh- right..."
He sounded disappointed to say the least but he moved and I could sense him starting to go back to his room. I drop the metal and quickly grab his hand hoping that he'll come to dinner with me.

Sokkas POV

I start to go back to my room disappointed that I couldn't observe her longer, but I hear a gentle clang of metal and stone then I feel a small soft hand grasp my wrist then I hear the voice that makes my heart skip a beat.
"Join us for dinner, please"
Her voice is so soft as if I'm delicate and she doesn't want to hurt me. I blush and am momentarily glad she's blind.
"Sure, I guess I probably should." I try to play it off cool but something  tells me she knows I'm blushing. She smiles and takes my hand properly, eagerly leading the way to the dining hall. When we walked in everyone looked up and smiled, whether it was because I was finally out of my room, or because Toph seemed so happy, I don't know. Toph sat down next to Zuko and my heart felt a little sting but it went away when she motioned for me to sit next to her. I smiled and walked over.
"It's good to see you Sokka." Zuko smiled at me, and Aang nodded indicating that he was also pleased to see me.
"So does this mean you've decided to stop moping?" Katara asked with a smug smile.
"For now." I replied with a teasing tone and I looked over to Toph she was starting to fill her plate with the various array of food and I started to do the same, eating more then I had over the last week combined. Small talk eventually broke out and even though I didn't really participate, I realized how much I missed this, I'd have to thank Toph later.

Tophs POV

Sokka seemed to be in better spirits and he was eating a lot, it made me smile, while I'll never admit to it, I missed the meathead more then I could ever possibly express.

After dinner Sokka pulled me out of the dining hall and lead me to his room, I was a little confused when he closed the door behind him and when his heart started beating faster, he was definitely nervous but I had no clue why. Then he started talking.
"Toph I- I just wanted to thank you. I didn't realize it but I did miss you and everyone else." The way he said that all made my heart pick up it's own pace, I was a little worried he'd be able to hear it.
"I wasn't hiding in here because I was sad Suki left," this pecked my interest, "I've been in here because I DON'T miss Suki, and that made me realize my feelings for someone else."

My heart sunk.
Sokka was already in love with another girl.
He still thought of me as one of the guys. I had thought that he maybe had feelings for me when he had literally payed his head in my lap, but it was just wishful thinking it turns out.
"So who's the lucky girl." I inwardly winced knowing that came out ally harder then it was meant to.
Sokka then did something I never expected.
He kissed me.

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