Zukaang part 2

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This was requested and while I don't ship this I will try my best to write a good fanfic 💖.

Zukos POV:
Zuko woke up to his face nuzzled into a pillow, but then last night started to slowly come back to him and he realized that his pillow wasn't a pillow at all. It was Aang, and Zuko was nuzzled in his neck, with his arms rapped around his upper body, and he had his holding Zuko on the small of his back. Zuko tensed when he realized he was completely naked and then Zuko heard a low chuckle so he immediately looked up,
"Morning sleepy head." Aang said in his low morning voice that made Zukos pupils dialate, Zuko gulped,
"Morning Aang. What's up?" Zukos voice was all nervous and Aang didn't know if he should be worried or laugh at the fact that the first thing Zuko said to him after they had sex is 'What's up?' He settled on being concerned.
"Hey what's wrong?" Aang reached up a hand to carefully cup the broken omegas check, Zuko flinched at the touch and Aangs chest flooded with worry.
"Please talk to me." Aangs voice went all soft, "Did I do something wrong last night? I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Zuko looked up to meet his eyes but quickly after avoided them again before he started to talk,
"I just, I don't know how this works."
Aang looked confused,
"What do you mean?" Then he got an idea, "Did you want to wait till marriage? Because I can marry you right now! However I would prefer to have it a little more planned out-" Zuko cut him off,
"No that's not it." He was blushing like crazy at the way Aang so lously discussed wanting to marry him,
"I just meant I don't know how a healthy relationship works. I was around my aunt and uncle for maybe a week tops before she died, and other then that I was only around my mother and father, and they were..." Zuko trailed off, "definitely not healthy." He finished off with a mumble. Aang took a second to process so he didn't say anything stupid,
"Well that's okay, I can teach you! I was around tons of healthy relationships with the monks, besides, I'm not at all like you father and I can say that with confidence." Zuko smiled and nuzzled his head into Aangs neck. Aang blushed all the way to his ears.
"We really should get up you know, or Katara is gonna have our heads." Zuko gave out a giggle,
"Yeah, I'm just barely on her good side, where did you happen to throw my clothes?"
"Just wear something of mine." Aang stated starring down at Zuko with some much love in his eyes that Zuko felt like he was going to spontaneously combust.
Zuko buried his head in Aangs chest and mumbled
After Zuko and Aang got dressed they went out to meet the others for breakfast. When they got out there everyone was already out.
"Ah, good timing, I was just about to send Sokka in to wake you two dorks up." Katara laughed,
"And I was just about to refuse on account of all the moaning last night."
And and Zuko both blushed bright red,
"Y-You could h-hear that?" Zuko stuttered,
"You weren't exactly quite." Toph smirked, "Damn twinkle toes I didn't think you'd ever be into-" Sokka covered her mouth.
"Anyway, who's hungry?"

Sorry this is such a short chapter, I'll try to make them longer. I hope you guys at least liked the little bit of fluff today💖have an awesome week

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