Tokka- Omegaverse part 2

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(Sorry it's taken me so long to post this, I haven't really been feeling inspired lately. If you guys have any ideas or anything you want to see, please comment here, or message me privately. Again so sorry it's taken so long, enjoy!)

Tophs POV

Toph woke up to birds chirping and wind whistling. She was slightly confused that she wasn't in her bed when the string of events from yesterday came flooding into her mind, including whatever had happened between her and the Alpha.
"Well fuck that. I'm not awkward. I'm Toph Befong, best earth bender ever." So she got up and went to go get Aang to star his earth bending training. However when she got to where the fire was, Katara was serving breakfast to the sleepy boys, Toph just rollled her eyes. She never really got much sleep. Since nighttime was her only chance of leaving the house. After doing that for a month, she got used to functioning on only 2-3 hours of sleep.
"Morning Toph!" The water bender greeted Toph with an extremely friendly tone. Toph couldn't help but smile back,
"Morning sugar queen."
"Sugar Queen?" Katara questioned raising an eyebrow,
"Because you're so sweet, you're like the queen of sugar." Toph smiled as she explained the simple nickname to the beta. Katara smiled back, happy at the complement and gave Toph a plate filled with hash browns, bacon, and eggs.
"This smells delicious." Toph licked her lips before grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a huge bite, she made a low sound of pleasure in her throat. Sokka blushed and crossed his legs to try to hide his growing situation.
"Alright twinkle toes, after breakfast you get your first earth bending lesson." The fiery omega smirked.
"Sweet!" Aang started gobbling down his food, excited for his first ever earth bending lesson. Katara lightly scolded Toph for using her hands to eat, but Toph just proceeded to shrug and continue eating.

After breakfast Toph lead Aang to where they would be practicing,
"Alright twinkle toes." Toph turned to face Aang and got in an earth bending stance, "Block me with earth bending." Toph then launched two large boulders at the young Avatar, he ducked the first on however the second one knocked him back several feet and he asked for a time out.

~then the training proceeded as it did in the first episode of earth bending training in the show~

(I can do that cuz I'm the Author and I'm lazy.)

Aang and Toph made their way back to the campsite after training for a few note hours and Toph atemting to teach Aang how to see us wing the vibrations in the ground, after failing they ended up just deciding Aang bounced around to much and it was a wonder he could earth bend a pebble.

When they arrived back at the campsite where all their tents lay, circling a fire pit, Toph was slightly shocked to not sense Sokkas presence in the camp at all.
"Hey Sugar Queen, where's the meathead?" Toph asked while taking a seat on one of the logs that surrounded the fire pit.
"Look behind you." Sokkas voice made her jump, how did she not sense him,
"Did you start flying!? Why the fuck couldn't I feel you?!"
Sokka laughed his roaring laugh, and a group of butterflies started having a dance party in Tophs stomach.
"Yes Toph, I suddenly became an airbender." Sokka sassed her, his voice dripping with honey and sarcasm. "I don't know why you couldn't sense me, maybe your just tired from teaching an airbender how to earthbend."
Toph nodded her head deciding that must be it, then proceeded to listen to Katara scold the Alpha and start making dinner.

Katara made roasted chicken and zucchini.

Toph didn't eat the zucchini.

AN: Hey guys, sorry again for not posting for a while. I just don't really ship Tokka anymore so it was kinda hard for me to write this. Let me know how you guys would feel about many ZUKKA, ZUKKI, and KATAANG fanfics.

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