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3rd POV
Toph always hated being blind, but what made it ten times worse was when, on her 18th birthday, she presented as an omega. Her parents were way overprotective BEFORE, afterwards however?
They got so.

They assigned bodyguards to be by her side 24/7, and they started gathering suitors, Alpha suitors. Toph found this ridiculous and she figured that since she had already lost any small bit of freedom she once had, she would no longer keep up this silly charade to please her parents. She wore shorts instead of dresses and skirts and she never wore shoes anymore. She started talking back and sassing all they suitors, (as well as punched the one who dared to slap her ass).
However one day they got some rather unexpected visitors, the Avatar and his team. Toph couldn't help but roll her eyes just to get her point across, she had assumed(hoped) that her parents would put a stop to the suitor business after what happened with the last one(he pissed her off so she earth bender him into the pond), but the Avatar? That was a bit much for even her parents, but she was even more confused when she heard her parents shocked voices.
"The Avatar! What an honour this is! What have we done to earn such a special visit?" Her father asked bowing his head, she just scoffed. Toph could feel her mother's eyes on her, Toph didn't care nearly as much as she used to, there was just no point anymore.
"I've actually come here seeking an earth bending teacher." The Avatar stated
Toph frowned. She knew who her parents would recommend and he was a pretty shitty teacher.
"Oh well I have just the-." The other Alpha traveling with the Avatar cut off Tophs father,
"We actually already have someone in mind to teach Aang." His voice was deep, but not to deep, and it had a hint of humour in it, and it made Tophs stomach fill with butterflies, she both hated and loved the feeling, but she knew she loved her fathers reaction to the strong Alphas comment.
"Oh-? If I may ask, who did you have in mind."
Toph nearly burst out laughing, her father sounded appalled and annoyed, like he was a child and someone had just stolen his favourite toy.
"Your daughter actually." The Alpha replied and Toph could hear the smirk in his voice.
She could feel her fathers gaze shift to her before going back to the small group, no doubt embarrassed by how casual Toph was dressed.
"I'm sorry but-." Toph was not about to let her father squander this opportunity for her.

"I'd be happy to."

She was pulled inside by her guards and she could hear her father telling the Avatar to leave, she was crestfallen, sure she knew that her father would react badly, but she did think haveing her dragged into the house and locking her in her room while he yelled at the Avatar was a bit much, even for him. However after about 15 minutes of her laying on her bed, her door opened and in came the Alpha from earlier, she could tell he was smirking even though she was blind.
"Well are you gonna get packed or not?"
She couldn't help but grin. She hurriedly leaped from her bed and quickly grabbed all the stuff she figured she would need, just the basics, nothing more nothing less. She then faced the Alpha and she figured he couldn't see her face to well considering she was just looking straight ahead.
"Let's Go!" She said with lots of excitement pecking into her voice.
"I'm Sokka by the way." The Alpha said and she could tell he was smiling.
"Toph. Nice to meet ya Sokka. While I'm excited to teach twinkle toes earth bending, how did you get my parents to allow me to?"
"My sister can be persuasive."
This made Toph smirk. She continued to walk with Sokka outside where her parents were definitely in sour moods but still waved goodbye and offered them to stay the night. Toph knew her parents were just trying to get her not to leave, so she hoped the Avatar would decline.
"No thank you, we should really get going, we have a pretty tight schedule." The beta(who Toph assumed was Sokkas sister) politely declined, which made Toph smile as she bid goodbye to her parents. Toph then noticed that the group was getting onto what seemed like a big fluffy animal, she bended a platform she could easily step off of and onto what she assumed was a saddle, she was scared but wanted to prove to her parents that just because she was a blind omega didn't mean she was any less capable then the next person. She stepped forward and not so gracefully flopped onto the saddle, but she was just glad that she made it onto the saddle, the only problem now was, she couldn't see. She immediately started freaking out, even though she tried not to make a big deal about it. So when Sokka pulled her into his arms and started combing his fingers through her long black hair, she immediately started calming down.
"Thanks." Toph mumbled out, trying to sit up straight, but this only seemed to make him pull her closer to him and whisper in her ear,
"Hold on tight." She didn't know what he was talking about, until Aang cheerfully said,
"Yip Yip!" and the giant ball of fluff took into the sky. Toph gripped onto Sokka so hard that her knuckles started to turn even whiter then her pale hands already were, she then did something that made the Alphas heart start beating so loud he was afraid she would hear it. She berried her head into his chest nuzzling the Alpha. Breathing in his scent helped calm the fiery omega.

Once they landed Sokka helped Toph off of the sky bison, she almost cried when she touched ground again.
"A little warning might have been nice! I don't know if you happened to notice but I'm blind!" She waved her hand in ground of her face for emfacess,
"I never want to go on that again!" She was crying now, while simultaneously berrying deeper into the earth.
"He has a name. Appa, his name is Appa. This is Katara, the guy you were snuggling with is Sokka, and I'm Aang."
Suddenly a thought occurred to Toph,
"How did you guys know I was an earth bender?"
"We ran into someone named 'The Boulder', he seemed to think you'd make a good teacher."
Katara explained while making her way over to Toph, "I'm sorry we scared you, it never occurred to me you would be scared of heights of flying-."
"That's not what was scary." Toph interrupted looking down, "I can't see up there. Since I'm blind I learned how to see with my earth bending by feeling the vibrations in the ground, but when we were flying, I couldn't feel the vibrations, same thing when I'm on ice."
Sokka ran a hand over his face, he should have known, he should have warned her and braced her more, he was suddenly feeling very protective of the small omega, and he wasn't completely sure why.

Later that night when the had their camp all set up, they started eating and sharing stories. Toph mainly just listened because she hadn't done much in her life, but when Sokka asked her to tell her about the tales of Toph, she just couldn't say no. She enthralled them all on how she ran away and learned earth bending from the badger moles, and how she would dominate in an earth bending tournament against grown men, with a side track to teaching the boulders kids with him. However when she got to the suitors, Sokka got mad.
"What! He slapped your ass! I'm gonna rip his head off!" Sokka was now pacing around camp mumbling on varies ways to kill everyone who ever looked at Toph like that. Toph had no clue what was happening, considering she rarely met people before, but she was fairly certain this wasn't all that common.
"Sokka, it's fine I broke his nose after so I'd say we're even." Toph smirked, trying to make light of the situation.
"I don't want anyone else to touch you!" Katara and Aang awkwardly stood up with fake yawns claiming to be exhausted, leaving the pair to talk about what Sokka just shouted.
"What do you mean anyone else?" Toph asked with some curiosity seeking into her harsher tone,
"I-um..." Sokka, upon realizing what he had just said, become a little shy.
" I just meant-." Toph cut him off.
"That you think I'm property? A piece of meat? Come on say it! I won't judge!" Venom dripped from every word that came out of Tophs mouth and Sokka couldn't help but get upset,
"That's not it at all. I don't know why but everything about you is drawing me in, especially your scent." Sokkas voice was firm and low, he was getting quieter as he approached Toph, until he was whispering in her ear. Toph gulped and she worried he could tell how nervous he made her feel, her omega instincts working against her, making it so she wanted nothing more then to snuggle up into his side and let him just take control of the situation, but the stubborn part of her wanted to march off into her rock tent and ignore him for the rest of the night. However she didn't get that chance when Sokka cut off her thoughts and started talking again.
"You're driving me crazy and I've known you for a day. I can barely control myself around you." He pulled her into his lap and stared nibbling on her ear, pressing kisses to soft skin behind it. Toph was so shocked she couldn't move, she felt like she wanted this, but she was terrified he was just like all the asshole suitors, so she bundled her strength and pushed herself off of his lap, this seemed to somewhat snap Sokka out of his trance.
"What's wrong?" Sokka asked with concern and sadness overflowing into his voice.
"I just-" Toph didn't know what to say, "goodnight." So she ran off to her tent, sokka hit himself for being so forward and possessive. But now he knew,

he definitely wanted Toph to be his mate.

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