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Somebody requested this and I love them together so I will try my darnedest to bring some good fluff to the table here.
Canon AU, after the war at zukos beach house.
Suki's POV:
I woke up to the sun shining on my face and an arm draped over my waist. I smile to myself and snuggle into Sokka even more, not wanting to leave this moment just yet.
"You're so beautiful, you know that right?" Sokkas deep morning voice cut through the atmosphere like a knife,
"Yeah, you tell me everyday." Also no, I was not blushing no way shape of how. "Go back to sleep, I want to stay like this for a little while longer."
I felt Sokka tense up a little bit, then he buried his head into my shoulder, and then I felt him mumble something,
"What was that?" I asked while trying to hold back a smirk.
"I just am happy you're here with me, the wars over and we don't have to be worried about the fire nation. I just lost so many people to that war and I just-" I felt something wet start to drip down my back, and I realized that Sokka had started crying, so I quickly turned around and held him tight, "I'm just so happy I didn't lose you too."
"I'm happy too." I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead, happy that he can finally let the stress of the war start to melt away.
"We're both to young and it never should have fallen to our shoulders. So I feel a bit guilty that I'm glad that it did." Sokka looked up at me with his gorgeous blue eyes, but they were red and puffy from crying, and he looked slightly confused, "If we never had to fight the war I might have never met you, and if I never met you then, I'd be missing out on so much."
Sokka blushed and buried his head into my chest,
"That's such a cheesy thing to say!" He tried to act upset by I could tell from his voice he was smiling from ear to ear.
"You love me!" I laughed,
"Yeah, I do." Sokka looked up at me and gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen and I Stewart to god I think he had hearts in his eyes, I blushed hard and looked away,
"Yeah but I'm your dork."
"Never mind I'm ready to get up now."
"Sukkkiiiii~ noooo~ come back~ come on don't leave me~"
Sorry this is so short, I'll try to make the next ones longer. Love you guys and hope you have an awesome week! <3

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