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Set in book three after they get back from meeting the dragons. Again, everyone is aged up.
Zuko = 20 (Omega)
Aang = 18 (Alpha)
Toph = 18 (Omega)
Sokka = 20 (Alpha)
Katara = 19 (Beta)
(I decided that the Avatar would always be an Alpha, and it would just give Ozai more reason to prefer his Alpha daughter over his Omega son)
3rd POV
Zuko and Aang were both in awe from what the dragons showed them. However Zukos mind kept wandering back to Aangs adorable smile when they had danced. They made their way back to the temple in a silence that was oddly comfortable, however before they went in to join the rest of the group, Aang stoped Zuko and pulled him into a crack in the wall.
"I um- I think I get it now." Aang stuttered,
Zuko was confused and the close proximity was giving him a very confusing situation down there which only made the poor boy blush more then he ever had before. Zuko cleared his throat, looked up at the taller boy(Aang had a major growth spurt and now he and Sokka towered over the rest of the group) and asked,
"G-Get what?" Zuko inwardly cursed at himself for stuttering.
"Why you were always so angry. You didn't have anyone to show you have beautiful fire was." All of Aangs nerves had gone away and had been replaced with confidence. However Zuko stiffened and his Omega instincts kicked in. He started shrinking back into the wall yet leaning into the Alpha at the same time. Luckily before he could fully submit to the Alpha, Toph pulled them both out of the crack, obviously sensing that something was up, and told them that dinner was ready.

The returned to the group where Zuko started excitedly ranting to them all about how magnificent the dragons were. While Aang watched as the older boys eyes lighted up as he told the group all about it. However apparently Aang had lost focus because before he knew it Zuko was pulling him up and asking him to do the dancing dragon with him.
"C'mon we have to show them!" Zuko was pleading as he tugged Zuko into the middle of the room. 
After they had finished Zuko was grinning and running off to get the tea pot to make everyone a cup of his uncle's favourite tea. Aang sat back down in his seat to wait for Zuko to get back when Sokka nudged him with a smirk on his face.

"What?" Aang questioned with a laugh in his voice,

"Oh you know, you just have the hots for Zuko but hey it's cool. I mean he's not marked, kinda cute, obviously into you. But hey, whatever." Sokka was smirking so hard Aang was sure his face was going to crack in two.

"Whatever Sokka, I do not have the hots for Zuko."

It was Toph who burst into laughter next,
"Aang, even I can see the googly eyes you've been giving him ever since he joined the group. And I'm blind!"
Aang simply rolled his eyes and looked at the dark haired omega hurry back into the room spouting on about how his uncle would just love everything about this trip, especially Appa(who loved Zuko ever since Ba sa sing). Aang smiled a shit eating grin and watched the banished prince boil the water and add the tea, then when it was done he watched him pour everyone a cup and when Aang received his he thanked Zuko, blew lightly on it, and took a sip.
"Does anyone have any interesting stories?" Katara asked with a smile on her face, Zuko spoke up,
"Did I ever tell you guys about the time my father gave me the scar on my face?" Zuko didn't mean to get the group riled up, but we don't always control the outcome of a situation.
"You're. Father. Gave. You. That. Scar?" Aang seethed though gritted teeth, just trying not to go into the Avatar state. Zuko just laughed and casually shrugged,
"Yeah, it seems so long ago now. I had spoken out against a general that wanted to use the younger recruits- soldiers- to be a distraction, essentially killing them all, even though I spoke out against the general my father thought I had disrespected him and made me fight an Agni Kai against him. I told him I wouldn't fight and begged him on my knees to forgive me. He didn't, and I remember he clearly said, "You wiLl leArN reSpEct aNd sUfForiNg wiLl be yOu'Re teAchEr!", it's ridiculous looking back on it now," Zuko shrugged, still with a small smile on his face, "but hey, I was 13, of course I would be a little- okay a lot upset." Zuko gave a light laugh and looked into the fire sipping his tea, as if he had just told a story about losing his first tooth. Aang was steaming and Sokka upon noticing this, stretched his arms upwards and stated he was 'heading to bed', dragging Toph with him back to where his bed was. Katara smirked and rolled her eyes at her brother before she noticed Aang, she then stood up and bid Zuko a good night, the latter nodding and smiling at her before going back to his tea and starring at the fire.

"Did your father really give you that scar when you were 13?" Aang asked eyeing Zuko out of the corner of his eye,

"Yeah." Zuko sighed and smiled a sad smile, "Sorry."
Aangs head snapped up at this,
"What are you apologizing for!?!" Aang was so rapped up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that he had crawled over so that he was directly over top of Zuko. Zukos face was bright red and the tips of his ears were as well.
"I-I um- was just uh- sa- saying that I was sorry for making the big u- uncomfortable." He gulped and looked away, the Alphas eyes boaring into his soul in a way that was effecting him in ways he wasn't sure he wanted the Alpha to know about just yet.

"Look at me." Came Aangs deep and demanding voice, Zuko reluctantly looked back at Aang, however he chose to focuse on his chest instead of his eyes that he could feel on him. Aang grabbed Zukos chin and forced him to meet his eyes.
"Don't you dare apologize for being the victim of abuse." Aangs eyes softened and as Zuko looked deeper into the pools of gray, he saw one particular emotion that gave him the courage to lean forward and lightly press his lips against the Avatars.

Zuko didn't know what he expected to happen, but Aang pinning him down and starting a full on make out session was not even too 10. However that didn't mean he didn't kiss back with the excitement of a small child who just got the best birthday present ever. Aang only pulled away when he needed air, and he looked down at Zuko, cheeks flushed, panting, eyelids heavy, irises clouded over with something the Avatar had waited for since the omega joined their team.

Zuko was submitting to him.

Aang swiftly stood up and swept Zuko into his arms, carrying the smaller boy to his tent. He quickly lit the candles he had stashed away in there for fire bending, for a bit of light.
However the heat between their body's quickly exceeded the heat of the candles.

They just lay there, Zuko burying his head into Aangs shoulder, drifting off into a deep slumber. Aang followed soon after, but not before running his fingers over the mark on the omegas skin where his neck and shoulder met. He smiled and fell into a deep sleep full of the scarred omegas smile.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'm thinking of marking a second part of the Tokka omegaverse one, of you have any suggestions or requests feel free to leave them here as well.

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