1. Lonesome

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And just like that, her best friend was gone.

It had been a week now since that whole fiasco with Kai and sending Damon back to the real world. She still had hope that she could get back to the real world, if only she could just get the ascendant back from Kai. That though, that would be some neat trick since Kai was more psychotic than pretty much any horror writer could come up with.

Her side stung in absolute protest from a wrong move and she let out a hiss of pain. Sure, she had stabbed Kai in the chest with a pickaxe and left him for dead, but that didn't mean he had to return the blow by shooting her in the side. So she thought anyway. Groaning, she grabbed the bottle of pain pills she had nabbed from the hospital and popped two before chasing them with some water. "Stupid Kai," she grumbled under her breath as she slowly rolled out of the bed and headed to the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

The hot water pelting her skin felt great, although a sense of unease hung over her, mostly because she knew Kai was still lurking around. Her mind then began to go over "what if" scenarios.

"What if I get the ascendant and then Kai kills me?"

"What if I can't get the ascendant? Should I just leave Mystic Falls?" The world was empty, but full of possibilities.

Sighing, she turned off the water and dried off before wrapping in a towel. As she vacated the bathroom, she smelled sausage and eggs cooking. "What," she furrowed her brows and grabbed a bat before heading to the kitchen. There was Kai, dancing around to N*Sync while making breakfast.

"GET OUT," Bonnie screamed as she held the bat in a swinging stance.

Kai turned around with a grin then blinked as he took in the sight of Bonnie in just a towel, holding a metal bat. "That's hot," he stated with a grin as he stepped closer to her.

"Back up, Kai," Bonnie warned with narrowed eyes.

"I'm making us breakfast, Bon Bon. I thought you'd appreciate the gesture," he stated almost innocently.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't want anything from you. Not food or anything," she snapped.

Kai rose a brow as a devilish smile played on his lips. "Anything hmm? Have you thought about this anything often," he asked, ignoring Bonnie's warning glare. "I bet anything would be fun, we should try it," he added, gaining a bonk on the head from the bat. "Ow!"

"No! Now get out," she stated as she watched him turn off the burners while rubbing his head. He then put the food onto two plates, clearly ignoring her warning and it was irritating her.

Kai brought the plates to the table then turned to look at her. "Look, I don't mind the wardrobe selection, but you probably want to get dressed before breakfast," he stated while wiggling his eyebrows.

Trying to argue with Kai was like throwing a ball to a blind dog, pointless. Without a word, Bonnie spun on her heel and headed to her room. She got dressed in some overalls and a crop top before returning to the kitchen and dropping into her seat. "Why are you here Kai," she asked as he pushed a plate to her.

"I'm here to make sure you keep your strength up," he shrugged as he speared a sausage with his fork. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks," he added before biting into the sausage.

Bonnie took a bite of some eggs, which were actually pretty good. "Well let's see, I'm stuck in a prison world with a psychopath that could kill me at any moment. So yeah, sleeping isn't top priority," she replied back sarcastically.

"Do you think I'd really kill you in your sleep!? Where's the fun in that," he asked in all seriousness, it made her blood run cold. Kai took another bite of his sausage and smiled. "So rest easy, I won't come after you while you sleep."

Bonnie scoffed as she got up to make some coffee. "As if I'm going to listen to you," she stated as she rinsed out the pot. "You'll lull me into a false sense of security and then flip the switch. No thank you," she added with a shake of her head.

"Look, Bon Bon, we need each other to get out of this place," Kai then stated as he watched her make the coffee as if it was the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen. "You got the magic, I got the ascendant. Symbiosis," he stated in a proud tone at being able to use a biology world for real life situations.

Her shoulders rose and fell in a heavy sigh as she turned to face him. "You are a menace to society, I can not and will not take you back to the real world," she stated before grabbing a mug and getting her coffee made.

"So, we're just going to honeymoon in this world forever then," he asked with his notorious grin as Bonnie returned to the table and sat down.

She blinked a few times before bursting out laughing. A real laugh. One that she hadn't let out in a while. It felt so good to laugh, that she didn't stop for a good two minutes. "Honeymoon? Yes, you are definitely crazy," she stated, once she caught her breath and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"Bonnie," Kai began in a more serious tone, making her look at him curiously. "Do you know how it feels to be truly alone. To have no one to talk to at all," he asked her as his eyes locked with hers. "The madness that eventually creeps in and holds you captive," he added soberly.

That actually hit Bonnie and made her stomach feel quite uneasy. She didn't want to be alone in the world. Even if she was far away from Kai, she knew he'd still be in the world and that gave her some twisted sense of comfort. The comfort of knowing she wouldn't be alone.

"I don't even want to imagine that," she replied with a set frown on her lips.

"Yeah well, I've been here long enough to tell you, it sucks," he then added with a shake of his head. "I just want to be around people again. Is that asking too much?"

Bonnie rose a brow and smirked. "No, you want to have people to kill or torture at least," she replied with a roll of her eyes before sipping her coffee that was now lukewarm. "Are we done with today's therapy session? I really have better things I need to do than to delve into your psyche," she stated as she sipped her coffee again.

Kai shoveled his food into his mouth and stood up to take his plate to the sink. "Fine, I can take a hint. Just remember Bon Bon, no one wants to be left alone," he stated before leaving her alone in the Mansion.

She honestly wasn't sure if that was a general statement from him or a threat and that left her on edge yet again. After finishing her now cold breakfast, Bonnie headed out for some shopping. Shopping helped her have some semblance of normality in this empty world.

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