8. A plan in motion

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Bonnie finally fell asleep after crying for hours. She needed the cry. Her tears fell for her lost youth, her friends dying and using her to bring them back, her utter lack of a love life, the fact that she had feelings for Kai and most importantly that Kai was right.

It was late afternoon by the time Bonnie had finally awoke and made her way to the kitchen. Kai was in the livingroom watching television, practically enthralled with whatever show he was watching. Bonnie made some coffee and then headed out to sit on the couch to watch some TV and clear her head before her date that evening. "So, excited for your big date with Mr. Bean," Kai asked with a smirk as he looked over at Bonnie seated beside him.

Her eyes rolled as she sipped her coffee. "Jealousy is so fifth grade," she replied after swallowing her sip of coffee.

"Not when your girlfriend is dating another man," Kai stated as if it were fact, making Bonnie choke on her coffee.

After she was through coughing and hacking, Bonnie stared at him. "I'm not your girlfriend, Kai. Never in a million years would I date a psychopath," she stated as she wiped her mouth.

"Sociopath, if you please, and Bon Bon, I've changed," he stated as he gave her the most pleading look he could muster.

Bonnie shook her head and stood up. "I've got to get ready, what will you do while I'm out," she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Kai popped some popcorn into his mouth and chewed obnoxiously slow. "I thought I'd go see Livvy," he finally replied after swallowing his mouthful of popcorn.

"Your sister? Kai please-," he held up his hand to stop her.

"Don't worry, no killing will happen," he stated, as if reading her mind. Bonnie squinted at him, waiting for more of an answer. "Little Livvy Poo and I have a project in the works," Kai stated with a proud smile. He then shooed her away so they could both get ready to go.

Kai was gone before Bonnie finished showering and she couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. It didn't seem like any good could come from this project the siblings were working on. Shaking her head, she got dressed in a black cocktail dress and curled her hair just as Enzo knocked on the door. "Hello, Love," he purred as she opened the door.

"Hello, Enzo," she replied as she grabbed her purse and let him escort her to his car.

"You look stunning," he stated in his charming voice as he opened the car door for her then headed to the driver's side. Once they were both settled, he began driving to another town to a five star restaurant.

The restaurant was stunning, but Bonnie couldn't appreciate it much, her mind kept wandering back to Kai and wondering what he was doing with Olivia. She sure hoped that he wasn't hurting her. "A booth please," Enzo stated, making Bonnie snap out of her thoughts and look around.

A decent looking waitress led them to the table, but Bonnie couldn't help but notice how the waitress was looking at Enzo as if he were an entrée. "Here you go," she stated as she handed them some menus.


"Kai, this plan is stupid and Bonnie doesn't deserve to be trapped with you again," Olivia stated as she looked at her brother.

Kai narrowed his eyes at her, but grinned despite himself. "Livvy Poo, I need to show her I've changed. I can't do that with Damon whispering in her ear how awful I am and now she's dating some British blow hard," Kai sighed sadly.

Olivia tilted her head and looked at her brother as if seeing him for the first time. "You love her," she stated in surprise. "Luke really is having an impact on you, isn't he," she asked with a gleam in her eye.

"I'm incapable of love, Livvy Poo. She's mine and I want her. That's all," he stated with a shrug.

Liv could see through his façade, but she also knew Kai before the merge and she knew it would take time for him to process the proper emotions and learn them. "Sure thing, Kai," she stated, not wanting to argue the point as they began working on the ascendant.

They worked diligently for hours until Kai announced that he needed to get back home, he was anxious to see Bonnie.


After a nice intimate dinner with some dancing, Enzo took Bonnie to a movie. The movie was about a couple who fought all the time, but eventually realized they loved each other, a totally cliché romance.

"Anything else you'd like to do, Love," Enzo asked as they got into the car.

Bonnie had been absent most of the date, her body was there, but her mind was on Kai. "I should probably get home, it's getting pretty late," she replied with a soft smile.

The drive home was spent in compatible silence, since they honestly didn't have much to talk about. Kai saw the headlights of the car and peered out the window, seeing Enzo help Bonnie from the car and walking her to the door. "No kiss for you, Rico Suave," Kai muttered as he watched them say goodnight. Just as Enzo was leaning in for the kiss, Kai knocked over a vase, making a loud crash.

"What the bloody hell was that," Enzo asked as he abruptly looked around.

Bonnie glared at the house, knowing Kai could see her. "My cat. I got him fixed and he's been a pain ever since. Thanks for tonight, Enz," Bonnie said as she kissed his cheek and hurried inside.

When Bonnie walked in, she glared at Kai who was sitting on the couch looking innocent. "Oh hi. Did you have fun on your date," he asked as he looked over at her.

She spotted the broken vase on the floor and looked back at Kai. "Was that necessary," she asked as she pointed to the broken shards scattered on the floor.

"Of course! He was about to kiss you! I saved your life," Kai replied in a cheeky tone with a cheeky smile to match.

Shaking her head, Bonnie stormed up to her room to change into some comfortable pajamas and curl up in bed with a good book. Kai however, knocked on her door just as she was getting comfortable. "What," she barked.

Taking that as a sign to come in, Kai strolled in and jumped onto her bed. "I'm bored and lonely," he whined as he rested his head in her shoulder.

"Get out of my bed, Kai," Bonnie stated as she opened her book.

"Keep me company, Bon Bon. Come on, we have dvds and the night is young. Please," Kai begged and she knew he wasn't going to let up.

Rolling her eyes, Bonnie closed her book and got up, pulling Kai to the livingroom. "Would have been more comfortable in your bed," Kai grumbled as Bonnie dropped onto the couch.

"Stop complaining or I'll go back to bed, Alone," Bonnie quipped as Kai put in a movie and jumped onto the couch beside her.

He then cuddled into her so she couldn't move. "This was not part of the deal," Bonnie groused as she tried to break free.

"Don't fight it," Kai murmured with a grin as he stared intently at the television screen.

Bonnie sighed and stopped struggling as she relaxed and watched the movie. At some point during the movie the two had fallen asleep.

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