11. Something There

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"Bonnie," Kai yelled over the howling wind as he tried to figure out where she had gone. He had to do the locator spell a few times, but everything pointed to this area. He the heard the river and his blood ran cold. "Bonnie," he yelled again frantically as he climbed down slowly towards the river.

The wind was relentless as it blew snow around, making it hard to see at all. However, Kai saw her hand shoot up from the water and he snatched it quickly before she could be pulled under again. He pulled her body from the frigid water and laid her on the snow before listening to her chest. She wasn't breathing. "Come on Bonnie, dont leave me," Kai said frantically as he began CPR.

"Breathe, baby," he pleaded as he pushed more air into her lungs after the compressions.

"Breathe," he growled again as he tugged his hair and did another round of compressions.

His heart sank when there was no response, but a moment later Bonnie coughed up the water and looked up at him before passing out once more. "Hang on, Bon Bon," Kai stated as he picked her up and carried her all the way back to the cottage.

He quickly stripped her of her clothes and wrapped her in a blanket before carrying her to the fireplace and laying her in front of it. He then stripped and climbed into the blanket beside her before wrapping his arms around her for body heat.

Bonnie's body convulsed from the shivers that rocked her body and her unconscious mind was still in the freezing water. She was being pulled and tumbled by the choppy Rapids. Her lungs filled with water and she gasped for air. That happened for hours, but Kai remained holding her, trying to let her know everything was alright.

Once her body temperature was normal, Kai carried her to her bed, lit the fireplace in her and then went to turn up the heat. He returned and took the chair by her bed, which was a recliner. Not being able to sleep, Kai brought in a book and read as he kept an eye on Bonnie.

When Bonnie awoke the next morning, her whole body ached and she still had chills, but she was definitely alive. She looked around, taking note that she was naked under her covers. She then spotted Kai asleep in the chair beside her. His book was half over his face and he was snoring softly. She tried to piece together how she had gotten back home. The last solid memory in her mind was the icy water stabbing at her and dragging her under. Her brows furrowed as she caught a blurry glimpse of a body looking in the water down at her and her hand reaching for them. Then another image of someone pressing on her chest and forcing air into her lungs. She looked back at Kai and tilted her head, he had saved her life.

Kai's eyes shot open and he sat up quickly before looking at Bonnie, something close to relief filled his features as he saw that she was awake. "How are you feeling, Slugger," he asked as he stood up and sat beside her.  It only took a moment for him to feel the heat radiating off of her. Frowning, he touched her forehead, feeling the burn from the fever that was now invading her body.

Bonnie felt dizzy and laid back as she began to shiver again, despite the room being very warm. "Hang in there, Bon Bon," Kai stated as he rushed from the room. He returned with a pitcher of ice water for her to drink and then grabbed a bowl of cold water and a washcloth so he could dab her forehead and neck with it. "I'm so sorry, Bon Bon. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please don't leave me," Kai pleaded as he dipped the rag in water and wrung it out, before putting it to her forehead. The heat from her fever made the icy water on the cloth heat up rapidly.

Bonnie was trapped in her own mind, reliving the icy river over and over again. She wasn't sure if she would ever make it out alive, but she fought hard to stay above the water even though it was a losing battle.

For days Kai took care of Bonnie as she slept off the fever. He had gotten a hold of some antibiotics and had given them to her through a needle. He wasn't a doctor, but he was desperate. Finally, after five long days and nights, Bonnie began to stir. "Kai," she breathed out as her eyes fluttered open.

Kai was exhausted and definitely looked it, with the bags under his eyes and the beard beginning on his face. He looked at Bonnie and reached over to touch her forehead, relieved when it was cool as it should be. "You had me worried," he stated with a smile as he looked at her.

"Water," she croaked out. Bonnie felt like she had swallowed a bunch of sand. Kai had kept her as hydrated as possible, but it was the bare minimum because he didn't want her to drown in her sleep. He quickly poured her a glass of water and passed it over to her, which she had taken weakly and almost dropped. Kai quickly moved to grab the glass and helped her drink from it. Once she had enough water, Bonnie pulled away and thanked him

"Do you need anything," Kai asked.

Bonnie saw how exhausted he was and shook her head slowly. "Kai, you need to sleep," she stated gently, resisting the urge to touch his face which seemed much more handsome with that beard.

"I'll sleep later," he replied nonchalantly with a wave of his hand, although he certainly was feeling the effects of his exhaustion. "I want to make sure you're okay first," he added through a yawn. "I'll make you some soup," he added as he stood up and shuffled to the kitchen.

Bonnie frowned but didn't argue. She weakly got up and grabbed a change of pajamas and underwear before heading to take a much needed shower while he made her soup. The hot water caressed her body before she began to clean herself off. She felt sticky and gross, but once her shower was through, she felt more human.

Kai had brought the soup in and heard the shower running, so he took that opportunity to change the bedding to all fresh bedding. He then laid down on the bed and fell asleep within seconds. Bonnie had come in from her shower and smiled some at the sight of Kai sleeping. Her stomach growled as she smelled the soup. Quickly she grabbed the soup and began eating. Once she was full, she laid back down beside Kai and fell asleep, since her body was still trying to recover from her fever.

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