5. Getting in touch

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Bonnie had stayed in New Orleans for another day to check out the cemeteries and hoped that she would hear from Kai again, but it seemed that neither of them were on the same time frame. She was also beginning to wonder if maybe it was just her mind craving human interactions so badly that she dreamt the whole thing, although why it would manifest Kai of all people, had her questioning herself.

After a decent night's sleep, Bonnie began driving again. She had decided to venture to Vegas, since she had always wanted to see it. It was an almost two day drive, but she made it in good time due to no traffic and disobeying every speeding law known to mankind. Bonnie honestly felt like a nascar racer and knew that once she returned home, it was going to be hard to get back into driving at normal speeds and sharing the road with others.

The Vegas lights were so bright, that she saw them on the horizon well before even reaching the city limits. "Wow," she breathed as she parked in the desert and looked at the skyline. She was sure her cameras wouldn't do the sight justice, but she was going to try anyway. First she took a snapshot with the Polaroid and then she pulled out the video camera.

"So, I'm on my way to Vegas and look at this view," she panned away from her face and out to the skyline. "Vegas! If I like it, perhaps us girls may have to come back once I get home," she stated as she brought the camera back to her face and smiled sadly. "We'll definitely have to come back," she stated, trying to sound hopeful before turning off the camera and putting it back into the car. She enjoyed the sight for a few more minutes before getting back into the car and finishing the drive to the city.

Neon signs flashed all along the strip and the sounds of slot machines filled the air. Bonnie parked at the MGM Grand and grabbed her stuff before pulling out her video camera so she could record. "Walking into a lion's mouth, how cool is this," she began with a laugh as she headed into the casino.

She panned around as she looked and spotted a Wizard of Oz themed show and the Rainforest Cafe. "Well, I'll definitely go to those, but when in Vegas," she pulled out a twenty and put it into a machine, which hit big right off the bat. Tons of quarters came rushing out of the machine and she laughed the whole time. "I think this is the only time I'll ever win big in Vegas," she stated as she walked away. She was pretty sure if she brought currency back from this era, she'd get arrested.

Heading for the Wizard of Oz show, she stopped to admire the characters on display before walking down the Yellow Brick Road which led through the dark forest. "So, I'm not going to lie, this is pretty creepy," Bonnie stated as she looked at the glowing red eyes looking back at her.

"I'm just going to get out of here," she stated as she sprinted out of there. She knew Damon would get a laugh out of that one.

She then headed for the Rainforest Cafe, where she took video of all the animals and the "rain storm" that took place. "This is so cool," she stated with a laugh before heading into the kitchen. "Well, it's time to play chef, wish me luck," she shut off the camera and got the things together to make a burger, fries and a salad.

Once she was full, Bonnie packed up the rest of her food and headed in search of the front desk. She grabbed a key and headed up to her room, feeling quite sluggish and tired. The grand suite was lavish and inviting. Bonnie dropped her bag and cameras before putting her food into the fridge and then collapsing into the giant bed.

Her head barely hit the pillow and she was out.


Kai tried for days to join Bonnie in her dreams, but it seemed that they weren't quite on the same sleeping schedule. He tried different hours, which made Damon nuts, but he saved his grumbling for another time, for the most part.

"Today's the day, I feel it," Kai stated as he clapped his hands together and laid on the couch. "Now, could you be a good guard dog and keep the fangirls away," he stated with a smirk, making Damon roll his eyes.

"Just shut up and go to sleep so I can tolerate you," Damon replied as he grabbed a bottle of bourbon and sat as a vigil for sleeping beauty.

Kai muttered the spell to put him to sleep and into Bonnie's dreams, where he was welcomed.

Bonnie stood frozen in what appeared to be a fake forest of creepy trees. "Bonnie," Kai stated as he stepped forward towards her.

She turned around and smiled in relief as she spotted Kai walking towards her. All the loneliness crept away for the moment. "Kai," she breathed as she pulled him into a sudden and unexpected hug.

"I don't know how much time we have, Bon Bon. Where are we," he asked as he looked around at the trees once more. In Bonnie's subconscious, these trees looked quite real and very menacing.

"The MGM Grand in Las Vegas," she stated as she looked at him with those green eyes.

Kai felt a pang of desire, but quickly pushed it away. "We're coming, stay there," Kai stated before pulling himself awake.

Damon watched as Kai gasped for air and sat upright. "She's in Vegas," Kai said as he jumped up to grab the ascendant. "This is our last shot, so we have to be exact," he added, making sure the grave importance of this sank into Damon's small brain.

Without a second's hesitation, Damon put his bottle down and joined Kai so they could go and find Bonnie.


Bonnie quickly woke up after Kai abruptly left her dream. She hurried to get her stuff together before running to the elevator and slamming the down button. She grabbed a few souvenirs and tucked them into her bag before heading back into the place where Kai had found her in her dream.

"Talk about creepy. Geez Bon Bon, couldn't pick a more cheerful spot," Damon's voice rang out.

Bonnie's eyes filled with tears as she turned and spotted Damon walking up to her. "Damon," she yelled as she ran over and hugged him tightly. She then spotted Kai and smiled softly at him. "Thank you," she whispered before grabbing her bag and walking over.

"You have a suitcase," Damon teased as she handed it to him so she could help Kai with the spell to get them back home.

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