2. Stuck with a psycho

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It had been a few months now and both Bonnie and Kai had tried often to kill each other. Well, Bonnie killed Kai a few times, but he always managed to come back to life. Kai, well he was just toying with Bonnie, clearly if he wanted her dead, she would have been dead. He knew where vital organs were and how to just miss them. He was out to maim, not kill.

The games were getting old though, Bonnie barely slept and hardly ate, because she was constantly watching her back to make sure the psycho siphoner wouldn't attack while she was unsuspecting.

"Do you ever wonder why this place is called Mystic Falls," Kai asked one day as Bonnie came down the stairs and found him yet again, making breakfast. Her stomach growled loudly making Kai frown. He noticed how skinny she was getting and how sleep deprived she was.

"No," Bonnie snapped as she went to make some coffee.

"Well, I know the secret," he replied as he tossed vegetables into the pan with the eggs.

"That's great, go find it and get lost," Bonnie quipped as she grabbed a cup and added sugar to it.

"You know, if you slept more often, you wouldn't be so cranky," Kai stated as he added cheese to the omelets he was making.

Bonnie poured her coffee into her mug and added creamer before turning to glare at her uninvited house guest. "You've tried to kill me several times and you expect me to rest easy," she asked with narrowed eyes.

"And you always strike first. Plus, don't you think if I wanted to kill you, I would do it? I like you, Bon Bon. You're fun, beautiful and your sarcasm just makes my day better," he replied with a grin as he dished the omelets onto plates and added hashbrowns fresh from the oven. "I already told you I won't kill you. I actually want to prove to you that I'm better so we can go home," he stated as he turned and handed her a plate.

Bonnie took the plate and her stomach growled again loudly in appreciation. "You think I'm just going to take you back to the real world so you have your pick at who you want to kill," she asked as she added ketchup to her hashbrowns and headed to the table to eat.

Kai shoveled some food into his mouth and shook his head. "Bonnie, I don't go around killing just anyone," he stated around a mouthful of food. "There's a lot you don't understand about the Gemini coven," he added before swallowing and taking a sip of orange juice.

"Oh sorry, you don't go taking out innocent strangers, just your family. Well, that makes it so much better then," Bonnie bit back Sarcastically.

Her sarcasm made Kai grin from ear to ear. "The first set of twins born to the Gemini coven are to grow up until they are twenty two and then they merge, the strongest one being victorious. The two become one and that one, becomes the coven leader," Kai began, which actually piqued Bonnie's interest.

"At a young age, my father knew I was different. My sister Jo was full of magic and I never showed any of my own, however I could siphon magic and use it. As you know," he grinned and winked at her. "However, apparently my quirk made me defective and my father decided that he needed to replace me and had another set of twins," his voice grew husky with anger.

"Why," Bonnie asked softly as she took a bite of her omelet.

"To deny me my birthright. Since I couldn't do magic, my father decided that I was an abomination and needed to be eliminated as well as replaced," he stated as he gripped his fork in his hand and bent it.

Bonnie's brows knitted together as she looked at him. "Okay, but killing your whole family? That's a bit extreme don't you think? Plus, if you kill them then you wouldn't really have a coven to actually lead," she stated, trying hard to understand his logic.

"I just need Jo. If we complete the merge then no more killing will need to happen. Liv and Luke can live their lives happily with me as their leader," he stated. "And technically, I wouldn't be killing Jo, we'd be merged. My father instilled in us the importance of Coven over family," he stated with a nod of resolution.

It made sense, in a twisted way. Kai was raised to believe that he was less than adequate and he spent his life trying to prove them wrong, even if his methods were psychotic. He had no remorse for killing his family because his father raised him to believe that the coven trumped family bonds. She was beginning to almost feel bad for Kai.

"Isn't there another way to go about that without the merge," she asked as she took another bit of her food.

Kai shook his head as he chewed. "No there isn't. It's a top dog Gemini thing," he stated as he swallowed his bite. "I have to get back," he added in an urgent tone. "Please, Bon."

While she somewhat understood where he was coming from, she couldn't force herself to help him. Not for the soul purpose of taking out his twin, no matter what the reason. She shook her head slowly. "I can't Kai, I'm sorry," she stated softly.

For a moment, Kai's normally carefree demeanor darkened and he looked truly terrifying. "Doesn't hurt to ask," he stated as his carefree demeanor returned. Bonnie knew she had just entered dangerous territory.

They finished their meal and Kai headed off, acting as if everything was fine and dandy, but Bonnie knew better, she knew he was brewing up something.

After two days, she was finding it hard to stay awake, but she tried anyway and failed miserably. She fell into a restless sleep full of nightmares and pain. "I'm sorry, Bon Bon," Kai's voice echoed in her mind and her eyes slowly opened, pain filled her body and she saw Kai with his arms around her, siphoning her magic.

"Kai, no," she pleaded weakly as she became too weak to fight.

Kai kissed her cheek as he let her go. "I wish you would have played the game and taken me back. We could have had a happy life together," he stated as he got up off of the bed. "Goodbye, Bonnie," he said as he left the room, leaving her alone in the world with barely any magic, no ascendant and absolutely no way home.

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