9. The Meteor Shower

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Bonnie had woken up sometime in the middle of the night and was quite disoriented at the fact that she was in the livingroom. She jumped when she realized that Kai was snuggling her close as they slept. In her attempt to break free, she fell on the floor and whacked her knee into the coffee table, making her cry out in pain. "Hey, some of us are trying to sleep," Kai muttered in a sleepy yet husky voice. "Now get back here and cuddle me," he demanded in that same sleepy husky voice.

"In your dreams," Bonnie snapped as she got up and limped to the kitchen for some ice.

"Mmm, no. In my dreams it's a lot more than cuddling," Kai replied with a grin as he got up and followed Bonnie to the kitchen.

Bonnie scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes in simultaneous unison as she made herself an ice pack. "Well, you should enjoy it, because that is never going to happen," she replied as she sat down and iced her knee.

Kai just grinned and shrugged. "Never say never, Bon Bon," he replied before bursting out into the Never Say Never song from An American Tale, making Bonnie just stare at him blankly. "You've never seen An American Tale," he then asked, when he saw her perplexed face.

"No," she replied as she got up. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Kai," she stated as she began to limp off to her room.

Kai had waited for Bonnie to fall back asleep before leaving to meet up with Olivia, he was a bit late, but he didn't care.

Every night for weeks after that night, Kai would sneak out to meet up with Olivia so they could work on and finish the ascendant before the meteor shower. "Finally Ugh! I thought we'd never finish," Kai groused as he held the completed ascendant in his hands. "Thanks Livvy Poo. I'll see you whenever we get back from our honeymoon," Kai stated in a cheeky tone with the grin to match.

Kai hurried home and into his bed, after hiding the ascendant. Once morning arrived, Kai skipped down the stairs and greeted Bonnie as she sipped a cup of coffee. "You're too happy. What gives," she asked skeptically as Kai began to make breakfast.

"Oh nothing. I just thought that perhaps you and I could watch the meteor shower together tonight," he suggested as he cracked some eggs into a bowl. "It's quite romantic," he added with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Bonnie had forgotten about the meteor shower in all honesty. "Keep the romance to yourself, but sure, we can watch it together," she replied with a nod, making Kai grin.

"Perfect. I have the most perfect spot to watch it too," he then said as he whisked the eggs happily.

Something wasn't sitting right with Bonnie, but she couldn't figure out what exactly was bothering her. Perhaps the romantic intentions he was hoping for? She figured that was probably it and was pulled from her musings when Kai had brought over her plate of food. "Thanks," she murmured as he sat down with his own plate and smile before eating.

Kai had already had everything up on the hill waiting for them that evening. He had set out a blanket and a basket of food and drinks, all under the guise of making it look like they would be watching the meteor shower with a picnic. Bonnie took a seat on the blanket and they ate some food while they waited. As it was about to start, Kai jumped up and pulled Bonnie up. He hit her with an immobile spell and a silencing spell before pulling out the ascendant and dagger. "This really is going to be great," he stated as Bonnie stared helplessly with wide eyes.

Kai began the chant and sliced Bonnie's hand, spilling the blood onto the ascendant, which began to whirl to life.


Liv was so conflicted about her brother's plan, but he did seem like he truly cared for Bonnie and that was the only thing keeping her from going to Damon before the right time proposed by Kai.

As the meteor shower began, Liv headed over to the Salvatore Mansion where Damon was already half past drunk. "Liv? What are you doing here," he asked with a raised brow.

"We need to talk, can I come in," she asked as she looked at him. Damon nodded and motioned her in before leading her to the sitting room.

After sitting down, Liv took a deep breath. "Okay, so I've seen a change in Kai and I know he cares for Bonnie, probably even loves her," she began making Damon snort in disgust.

Olivia knew this next statement was going to send Damon into a fit of rage, so she braced herself. "I helped him make another ascendant so he could take Bonnie away from outside influences so he could show her how he's changed," she stated.

The glass in Damon's hand shattered in his grip and amber liquid flew everywhere. "You did WHAT," he bellowed as he got up and had her pinned to the wall within a second. "Where are they, I can stop them," he demanded with fire in his eyes.

"It's too late, Damon. They're already gone, but if you want to try they're on Kramer's Hill," she stated.

Damon didn't reply, he dropped her and took off at vamp speed for Kramer's Hill. He was too late, the half eaten picnic was still there along with remnants of Bonnie's spilled blood. "I'll kill him," Damon roared before going back to find Olivia.

"How could you let that maniac take her," Damon yelled at the blonde.

"You need to calm down. Do you think I would put Bonnie in immediate danger," she asked.

"If it meant getting rid of the psychopath, yes," Damon replied without missing a beat.

Olivia frowned deeply at that. "I'm not that selfish Damon and I do care for Bonnie and even Kai. I've seen the change in him, Damon."

Damon punched the wall and sighed. "If he comes back without her, I will personally drain you like a vintage wine," he growled before storming off.

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