10. Back in The Prison World

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It took a moment for Bonnie to get her bearings straight before she whirled around and pounced on Kai like some ravaged animal. "You brought me back to the prison world after the hell you put me through in the first one," she growled as she punched him feebly.

"Bonnie listen," Kai grabbed her hands and rolled on top of her with ease, making her cold from the snow, pinning her to the ground. "I've changed and I want to, no need to, show you that," he stated as Bonnie's eyes flashed with anger. "This is our own little world, a place just for us," he stated as he nodded towards a story book cottage behind him.

Bonnie looked over at the cottage and had to admit that it was certainly her ideal home, but she was stuck, once again, with Kai. "And you didn't think to ask me first," she hissed in annoyance.

"No. You would have said no. Plus, that just ruins the surprise, duh," Kai stayed as he stood up and offered Bonnie a hand up.

Refusing his hand, Bonnie stood up and wiped herself off before scowling at him. "I want to go home," she huffed in an irritated manner.

Kai shook his head. "Not yet, I need to prove to you that I've changed," he stated again.

"By kidnapping me!? Kai, that's not how relationships of any kind work," Bonnie yelled before storming towards the cottage.

The outside of the cottage was made from river stones as well as the path leading up to it. The door resembled a door from a castle and was just as heavy as it looked. She pushed the door and it creaked open slowly. Inside the cottage had a rustic feel to it, and if she was being honest, a homey feel to it. A fireplace burned, lighting the room just enough to be able to make out shapes. Kai flicked on the light and illuminated the room. "Do you like it," Kai asked hopefully as Bonnie toured her new prison.

Bonnie didn't answer, she wandered into the master bedroom and spotted two glass doors leading out to a babbling brook. Kai followed along silently, which was not something he was used to. "It took me a while to find the perfect place for you," he then said after two long minutes of silence.

"Why," Bonnie finally asked as she kept her back to him and looked out at the brook. "Why me," she then clarified as she turned to look at him.

Kai smiled in triumph that she was finally talking to him. "Because you're my girl," he simply stated with a cheeky smile.

Bonnie closed her eyes for a moment and sighed heavily. "Kai, I am not now, nor have I ever been, your girl," she stated as she opened her eyes and looked at him. "I'm nice to you because I believe deep deep deep down, there is some good in you, but I could never date a murderer," she lamented.

"But you'll date a vampire? Vampires who murder millions," he stated almost angrily.

Bonnie blinked a few times realizing that this was a now dangerous situation. "Calm down, Kai. I'm not dating anyone," she then stated gently, trying to diffuse the situation.

Kai advanced on her quickly and backed her to a wall. "No? You went out with that blood sucker and almost kissed him," he yelled as he slammed his fists against the wall on either side of Bonnie's head, making her flinch.

"It was just dinner and a movie, Kai," Bonnie explained. "But I don't owe you any explanations," she stated as she shot him with the motus spell, sending him sailing across the room.

The murderous look in Kai's eyes made it clear that he would not make this easy on her. "You don't want to give me a chance? Fine," he waved his hand, sealing all the doors with a protection spell. "See you in a few days," he dropped the spell for a moment so he could leave the room then put it right back into place, leaving Bonnie alone in her room.

Bonnie waited for him to leave before trying to break through his protection spells, but they were actually more advanced than she gave him credit for. She flopped down on the bed and glanced around the room, hoping a grimoire would just jump out at her.

Kai stormed to the kitchen and began making Bonnie's favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. He would also make garlic bread and a salad, hoping to entice her some. Of course he wasn't going to leave her in her room and starve, he cared too much for that.

The smell of all the different aromas filled Bonnie's room and her stomach growled. "Bon Bon, I made your favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. Wanna come out and eat," Kai called out from the other side of her door.

"I'm not hungry," she lied as she held her stomach.

"Last chance. You don't eat with me, you don't eat at all," Kai yelled almost impatiently back at her.

"Fine by me," Bonnie yelled back, although she was definitely cursing her stubbornness, because she was starving.

Kai let out a slew of curse words and stormed away from the door. He headed to the kitchen and got himself some food before sitting at the table and eating alone. Once he was finished eating, Kai put the food away and cleaned up before heading to the livingroom to read some before bed.

Bonnie, on the other hand, was working relentlessly to get the protection spells down, she would make a run for it. The prison world was a big place, she could hide forever. It was after midnight when Bonnie finally got the spells down. She was exhausted and famished, but she couldn't risk Kai catching her going to the kitchen. Instead she quickly and quietly left through the back doors in her room and sped through the woods.

The sky began to darken and Bonnie was completely lost in the dark recesses of the woods. The cold night grew almost freezing in an instant as a violent wind began to blow. "Crap," she muttered through chattering teeth, she wasn't nearly dressed enough for snow and definitely not for the sudden blizzard that came out of nowhere.

Kai jolted awake and ran to Bonnie's room, finding his spells down, which he anticipated. He did not anticipate the blizzard though. "No," he quickly found something of Bonnie's and did a location spell and hurried off to find her.

Bonnie fumbled around in the blizzard blindly, she couldn't make heads or tails of her direction and couldn't see a foot in front of her face. The ground gave way beneath her and she toppled down into the frigid river. "Kai! Help," she managed to call out feebly, knowing he wouldn't be able to find her.

Her body became numb in seconds and the struggle to keep above the Rapids was too much of a struggle. The watery grave pulled her under and Bonnie just knew she was a goner.

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