3. Completely Alone

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Bonnie woke up late in the morning the following day, she had the strangest dream. Her eyes flew open and she looked around. "It wasn't a dream," she stated angrily to herself as she looked down at her bandaged hand. Narrowing her eyes, she got up quickly from the bed.

"Kai! KAI," she yelled as she frantically ran around the house, looking for him. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she looked everywhere before going and sitting at the kitchen table and dropping her head onto it with a thud.

When she brought her head back up finally, she noticed a note on the refrigerator. Weakly, she got up and went over to grab the note and read it.

Dearest Bonnie,

I apologize for last night, but you need to understand that I had to do what I had to do, which was leave you behind.

Your magic was returned by the way, I kept just enough to get back with the ascendant and put the rest back into you.

I'm really sorry.

With Love,
Kai xoxoxoxo

Bonnie read the letter several times and blinked back tears. He had left her alone. She was completely and utterly alone now, and that certainly wasn't a good feeling. Her heart dropped into her stomach and she choked on her sobs that were threatening to break free.

In her hand the letter crumpled before falling to the floor. "Bonnie, you still have your magic," she stated to herself as she tried desperately to get a firm grasp on the situation she was now stuck in. "But no way home," she added with a frown.

"Unless," she jumped from her chair and ran to get dressed. After grabbing a bottle of water, she made the short hike to the cave and looked around, hoping Kai had been kind enough to somehow drop the ascendant on the ground as he left. Of course she knew those odds were unlikely, but that didn't stop her from desperately looking anyway.

After thirty minutes of relentlessly searching, Bonnie let out a frustrated yell and fell to the ground as her sobs echoed around the cave. She was strong and she knew it, but right now no amount of magic she possessed would help her get back home. She was alone, completely and utterly alone and that hit her in a very different way than when she was stuck with Kai.

When her crying finally ebbed, Bonnie used what was left of her energy to get back to the mansion and threw herself onto the couch. In an instant she was pulled into a deep sleep.

"Pancakes," a familiar voice asked, making Bonnie jolt upright and look around.

The smell of pancakes filled the house and she was so elated to see Damon that she didn't care that he was making pancakes. She jumped off the couch and ran full speed to him before pulling him into a tight hug.

"How did you get here," she asked as she hugged him tightly and inhaled his scent.

"I had the help of a certain witch," Damon replied as Kai stepped into the room with a sheepish smile.

Bonnie's eyes narrowed at Kai. "YOU LEFT ME ALONE," she yelled at him.

"I had to Bonnie. Don't you see, I had to? And now we're here to bring you home. No tricks," he stated as he looked at her, with that boyish smile playing on his lips.

Bonnie looked up at Damon who nodded his head in agreement, making tears pool in Bonnie's eyes. She wasn't alone, she was going home! Although, she wasn't happy with the idea that Kai was going back with them, even if he was the one who had helped them rescue her. "Let's go home," she stated in complete joy.

As the eclipse drew near, they made their way to the cave, Bonnie had her dagger hidden in the waistband of her pants. She wasn't taking any chances this time. The sky began to darken and only the sliver of light in the cave remained as Bonnie recited the spell and dropped her blood onto the ascendant. In a last minute decision, she threw the dagger at Kai's chest, making him stumble from the circle.

"Bonnie, please. I had to. Please don't leave me," Kai pleaded as Bonnie and Damon vanished.

Bonnie woke up in a cold sweat and looked around the room with heavy eyes. Something about that dream didn't sit right with her. She almost felt Bad for leaving Kai behind. Looking over at the clock, she saw it was just after midnight. Her stomach growled loudly and she groaned as she got up to go and make herself some food.

While she waited for the water to boil for macaroni and cheese, Bonnie leaned against the counter in thought. Could that dream possibly mean that Damon was trying to save her? Although, how could they get the ascendant to work without her blood? And she was sure that Kai wouldn't help rescue her. He left her here alone, for a reason.

Singing heavily, she dumped the noodles into the boiling water and proceeded to make her macaroni and cheese. As she sat down to eat, her mind mulled over the same thoughts, leading her in absolute dizzying circles.

Once her food was done, Bonnie washed the dishes then poured herself a double shot of Bourbon, just to shut her brain up for a while. The buzz she felt made her brain fuzzy, yet the thoughts were still there, pressing on the outer edges of her brain, however it did help her fall asleep quickly.

For the first time in months, Bonnie woke up feeling well rested and ready to face on the day. It was a shame that she was alone in the world and didn't really have much to do. After a hot shower and a decent breakfast, Bonnie grabbed the keys to Damon's car and headed for a drive. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she just drove.

After a few hours, she ended up in Wildwood, New Jersey. Her heart gave a painful tug at the memories of the amusement park teeming with life. She parked the car in the empty lot and headed up to the gates of the empty park. The abandoned park reminded her of those abandoned ghost towns and made a chill creep down her spine as she walked down the empty path.

She headed into a few of the stores and grabbed some souvenirs, extra Polaroid film and even took a few pictures before heading back to the car and driving back to Mystic Falls. "Well, may as well make the most of this," Bonnie mused to herself, deciding that she was going to take the ultimate road trip instead of feeling sorry for herself.

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