7. The Party

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Bonnie's stomach growled as she smelled food cooking as soon as she exited the bathroom. She quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs, where Kai had made an assortment of breakfast foods, thankfully there were no pancakes in sight. She made a beeline for the coffee pot and stole a piece of sausage while she waited for the coffee to brew.

"I know you hate pancakes, so I made waffles instead," Kai stated as he set out their own little breakfast buffet.

It bothered her that Kai knew so much about her, but she tried not to let it show as she made a plate of food for herself and headed for the table. "Thanks," she muttered as she came back for her coffee.

"My pleasure," he replied back in a husky tone that made Bonnie's insides quiver.

"Now, can you please explain what happened after you ambushed me and left me alone," she then stated as she made her way back to the table and sat down.

Kai made his own plate of food and headed to the table to join Bonnie. "Well, so you know about the other set of twins that my father had to knock me and Jo out of the running," he asked, having already told Bonnie that story.

"Mhmm," she hummed through a mouthful of eggs.

"Well Luke decided that since we were the same age, thanks to my time in the prison world, that he would take Jo's place," he said before eating some food from his plate.

Bonnie sighed at that. "So you did kill someone," she lamented as she reached over and grabbed her cup of coffee then sipped it.

Kai nodded his head. "Well, I mean not completely. He's a part of me. I get..." his face scrunched. "Okay, I had planned on getting you back from the prison world once the merge was through, but once the merge was through, the urgency to get you hit me hard. I was leaking from my eyes, that's how bad it was," he stated, making Bonnie laugh.

"You mean you cried," she stated with a giggle. "You? You felt emotion," she asked as she took another bite of food.

After chewing and swallowing his bite of food, Kai nodded. "I could feel emotions before the merge, Bon. Like that spark that's always been between us," he stated with a grin.

"There's no spark," Bonnie denied with a shake of her head. Of course she had felt something between them, but she could never see herself dating a killer.

Kai laughed as he looked at her, with an intense gaze. "Yes there is," he stated with a wink before shoveling more food into his mouth.

She didn't want to argue because it would only lead to aggravation. "Do you have something to wear to the party tonight," she then asked with a head tilt as she ate some of the waffle - the most delicious waffle she'd ever tasted.

"Well, all my stuff is at the Ma-," he began but was cut off by a knock on the door.

Furrowing her brows, Bonnie got up and headed to the door where Damon was standing with a duffel bag. "Here's the psycho's stuff," he stated as he poked his head inside and glared at Kai. "Is he behaving," he then asked as if Kai wasn't sitting right there at the table.

"Yes, he's fine," Bonnie stated as she took the Duffel bag from Damon.

"Hear that? I'm fine," Kai stated cheekily, taking it as a compliment to his looks rather than behavior.

Damon looked murderous and Bonnie was not having that. "Thanks for bringing his stuff over. We'll see you st the party tonight," she stated quickly.

"I don't want him there. He's a killer, Bon Bon and both his living siblings are going to be there," he stated through a growl. "Let's just get rid of him, no one would miss him."

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