6. Homecoming

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Once they landed in their time Bonnie let out an absolute sigh of relief. "Welcome home, Bon Bon," Damon stated as he shoved Kai aside by his face and wrapped his arms around Bonnie's petite frame. She hugged him back then gazed out the window, the sky was inky in some spots but pink in others, indicating sunrise. "Go ahead and get some sleep. I'll wake you up in a few hours so you can see everyone," Damon added as he carried her suitcase to an empty room- the very room she had stayed in while in the prison world.

"Well aren't you an insensitive prick," Kai chirped in as he trailed along.

Damon's eyes narrowed as he spun to face Kai, "What now, Pesterella?"

Kai smiled that innocent looking smile as he looked at Bonnie. "She was stuck in that prison world and in this very room, don't you think that's a bit.... Oh I don't know, triggering," he stated, his eyes never leaving Bonnie.

Bonnie's stomach did a little flip at the very idea that Kai was looking out for her. "It's okay, I'm just going to sleep anyway," she stated, making Damon grin in triumph. Kai however, could see past the fake smile and knew that it bothered her that Damon didn't seem to care one bit.

"Sweet dreams," Kai purred with a smile as he headed off to a room for some sleep.

"Can you believe that guy? First he tries to kill you and now he acts like he knows you better than me," Damon scoffed.

Bonnie was beyond the point of even wanting to argue. She hummed out an "mhmm" and closed the door before falling into the bed and drifting quickly to sleep.

After what seemed like minutes, Bonnie was being shaken awake by Damon. "Bon Bon, wake up," he cooed in her ear.

Bonnie sat up quick and looked around in confusion before remembering that she was back in her time with actual people. "I'm up," she murmured as she blinked a few times and looked at the clock, it was after noon.

"Caroline wants us at the Grill by six," Damon stated, making Bonnie groan. She knew that if Care was involved in planning, the whole town was going to be there.

Without a word, Bonnie got up and grabbed some clothes then headed to get dressed. When she was through, Bonnie grabbed her things and headed downstairs where Kai and Damon were waiting for her along with a stack of pancakes. "Come on and eat, Bon Bon," Damon stated, making Bonnie glare at him.

"I'm not hungry. I need a ride to Grams' house," she then stated as she looked at Kai. She had so many questions, but she knew right now was not the time to ask them.

Damon sighed and grabbed his keys while Kai grabbed Bonnie's suitcase and carried it for her. She rose a brow at his action, but didn't argue. "Oh no, you're not coming. If you find out where Bonnie is staying, she'll be in danger," Damon hissed as he tried to pry the suitcase away from Kai.

"I've changed and I won't kill Bon Bon," he stated, making Damon grind his teeth in irritation.

"Do not call her that. That's my nickname for her," Damon hissed.

Bonnie pinched the bridge of her nose at the two grown men acting like children. "Can we please just go," she stated in complete irritation. "Kai can come," she added to Damon's complete horror.

She was absolutely sure that Kai knew exactly where Grams' house was. He was in that prison world with nothing to do but snoop, a thought that actually chilled her now that she thought about it. They piled into the car and made the drive up to the house. Bonnie felt a bit emotional as she got out of the car and looked at the modest home that was always full of love and warmth. "Thanks, see you guys tonight," she stated as she grabbed her suitcase.

"Woah, no one invited Stabford to the party," Damon replied back, giving Kai a death glare.

Bonnie turned around and sighed. "I did. Without him, I wouldn't be here," she stated honestly. "That doesn't mean I forgive you for torturing me and leaving me, Kai," she added after seeing the smug look on Kai's face.

"Look, Bon Bon. While we're here. What should I do with Stabby Boy here? I don't want him at the Mansion," Damon then asked, making Bonnie narrow her eyes at him.

Pinching the bridge of her nose so she didn't throat punch Damon, she thought about their options and was drawing a blank. The two safest places for him were the Mansion and with her. "Fine, he can stay here," she stated in a clipped tone, not liking that Damon was putting her in this position at all.

"What," both Damon and Kai asked in two very different ways- Damon was more angry where Kai was more curious.

"Well, you don't want him at the Mansion and the only other safe place for him is with me. I'm assuming he doesn't have many fans here," Bonnie replied knowingly.

"That is a very Bad idea, Bon Bon," Damon began, but Bonnie cut him off by putting her hand up.

Bonnie had heard enough, she just wanted to shower, have a cup of coffee and get ready for the party, which she was sure was going to be an absolute disaster. "I'm assuming no one is happy with Kai right now since he merged with his twin sister," she stated.

"Not exactly," Kai stated. "I mean, a merge happened and everyone is all pissy about it, but Jo is alive and well, so I do get what everyone is so mad about," he shrugged.

Bonnie blinked, she was missing a key element here somewhere. "Whatever. Look, the point is, Kai is in danger and I dont want anymore death around me! Even if he is a psychopath."

"Sociopath," Kai interjected.

"Not helping," Bonnie barked.

Damon was glaring daggers at Kai. "If you even touch a hair on her head, I will break all your bones and toss you into the river," he threatened, making Kai giggle.

"Yes, sir," he saluted as Bonnie shook her head and grabbed her bag. "Hey, no," Kai snatched the bag from her, gave Damon a finger wave with his natural grin and followed Bonnie inside, leaving Damon staring at their retreating backs in confusion.

Once the were inside, Kai looked out the window and saw Damon still standing by his car looking angry. "Is he really always like that," Kai asked as he waved to Damon then turned to look at Bonnie. "I thought it was just because we were trying to get you back and once you came back he'd be, not so Draculaish," he added with a grin.

Bonnie wasn't listening, she was going over in her mind, how she ended up in this situation. How could Damon put her in this position? It was a nightmare. "I don't know," she muttered, just to shut Kai up. "Look, I'm going to take a shower, try not to set my house on fire," she stated as she grabbed her suitcase and headed for her room.

Kai knew the situation was bothering her and thanks to his new emotions, he cared a lot. His mind already began working on a plan, of course he'd need Livvy poo's help for it, but that wouldn't be hard. He grinned and began making some food for them while he waited for Bonnie to finish her shower.

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