4. Road Trip

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A few weeks after Bonnie arrived back at the mansion, she grabbed a big duffel bag and a few things from the house that she wanted to keep as mementos. She obviously wasn't sure if she'd ever make it back home, but if she did, the bag was going with her. She grabbed the video recorder that would also go with her and the Polaroid camera. "I'm going to go back with a treasure trove," she told herself with a laugh as she hauled her stuff to the car and said one final goodbye to the mansion.

Her spirits were high as she stopped at a gas station, filled up the tank and grabbed some snacks for the road. Although her mind did slightly wander to, What if they do come to save me and I'm not there? But she quickly pushed that thought aside, even if that was the case, she was sure it would be a long while before that even happened.

"Stop it, Bonnie. Enjoy yourself," she told herself as she began the drive down to Florida.

Thankfully the early summer weather in Florida was rainy, a welcomed change from constant sun and eclipse. Bonnie got out of the car and tilted her face up to the sky as she let the rain wash over her. Although, she hoped the weather during the day would be devoid of rain so she could explore the parks without getting soaked. She headed into the Disney World resort hotel and straight for the gift shop, where she grabbed a few things then grabbed a key from behind the check in desk. "I feel like I'm living in a zombie movie," she muttered to herself, suddenly getting the creeps that zombies were going to break in and get her. She hurried to the elevator and headed up to the penthouse suite.

Her jaw dropped as the elevator opened to her own private floor. Well, technically they were all her own private floor, but that was beside the point. She took a selfie of her by the giant glass doors overlooking a park then grabbed a pen and wrote on the bottom Disney World penthouse! Eat your heart out! Smiling, she waited for it to completely dry before adding it to her collection.

She changed into some pajamas and hopped into bed before grabbing a book and doing some reading. After an hour, the storm started to pick up and thunder shook the room, making Bonnie gasp and drop her book. Thunderstorms she didn't mind, when she wasn't completely alone.

After a restless night, the morning brought clouds, but no rain and Bonnie knew that meant that she had to work fast. She dressed and hurried out to the car with her stuff before driving to the parks. A few hours later and she was back on the road, heading for a new destination, hopefully without thunderstorms.

Once she hit Lousiana, Bonnie had to stop. The heat and humidity were getting to her, not to mention her lack of sleep from the night before. She found a grand house on Bourbon street and immediately knew it was the Mikaelson's property. Her mind warred with her. Even though she was alone, Klaus Mikaelson always had a way if just popping up. She laughed at herself and headed through the gates.

Even without anyone around, magic still buzzed through the property and made her feel alive with energy. She set her bags down in the main room and began walking around to get a feel for the property. Did she dare take pictures? Oh she did, especially after taking a well aged bottle of bourbon from a cabinet and began drinking it without shame.


"FIND HER! Why wasn't she at the Mansion, Kai," Damon roared as he looked at the worn out witch.

"Give me some time to recover! I want to find her as much as you do," Kai spat back as he slouched against the desk. "I may be able to sleep drop," he then stated absently. "But I need energy to do it!"

Damon huffed in absolute annoyance and bit into his wrist, giving Kai his blood so he would heal. "Now you have no excuse," he barked at the witch.

"Do you not know how much of a toll magic takes on a witch? Oh wait. You do, you just don't care," Kai quipped back in a sassy tone that made Damon's blood boil.

Damon glared at him with his bottle of booze in his hand. "The only reason you are still alive is for Her," he growled. "All bets are off once this is over and done with," he brought the bottle to his lips and took a giant swill from it.

"Shut up," Kai replied as he did the mental math. "Okay, it should be close to bed time for Bonnie," he stated before getting up to head to the couch. "Make sure no one interrupts," he stated as he laid down on the couch and muttered a spell which not only knocked him out, but put him inside of Bonnie's subconscious.

Bonnie looked around the house and shook her head as she drank. Anger and bitterness rolled off of her in waves, but there was also a light freedom that came with it as well. Kai looked around the unfamiliar room and furrowed his brows.

"Bonnie, where are we," Kai asked, pulling Bonnie out of her thoughts so she could spin and look at him.

"Kai," she asked as many emotions crossed her face- happiness, anger, hurt, exhaustion, fear and bravery.

"Bonnie, I don't have much time, where are-"

Kai was cut off as he was yanked from the dream by a pair of petite hands cutting off his oxygen. "SHIT," Damon growled as he grabbed Liv with ease and pulled her off of Kai.

"Nice looking out," Kai groused as he sat up and rubbed his neck.

"Well," Damon asked, expectantly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," Kai stated as he sat up. "Thanks for asking. As for Bonnie, I don't exactly know. I tried asking before Ms. Manic there decided to cut off oxygen to my brain."

Damon was getting very annoyed with these two, especially Liv. He understood her want for revenge, but at the same time, He needed Kai and she was getting in the way. "Look, I'm going to throw you out and if you come back, Goldilocks, I'm going to drink you dry," Damon then stated as he tossed Liv over his shoulder and took her to the front door. "Bye now," he slammed the door and locked it before heading back to the livingroom.

Kai tried again, but Bonnie was already awake and he couldn't get in, which annoyed Damon even more.


Bonnie's eyes flew open and she looked around the room before jumping out of the bed. "Kai!? Kai are you here," she called out, only to be greeted by her own empty echo.

She dropped down onto the floor and put her face in her hands, letting her tears flow. "Of course it was just a dream," she sobbed out before something inside of her clicked. "He dream dropped! They're trying to find me," she stated in joy before a dark cloud loomed over her- If he had that magic, it meant that the merge was completed.

"I can't worry about that now," she stated as she tried to go back to sleep, her mind however wouldn't shut up and let her go back to sleep.

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