12. Snowmen and Snowballs

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Some time during the night, Kai had moved to cuddle Bonnie. When Bonnie awoke the next morning, she was shocked to find herself cuddling him back. Part of her wanted to shove him off the bed, but she decided to gently untangle herself instead and head into the bathroom.

The reflection in the mirror was of a woman who had been through hell and back. She looked defeated and worn out, which she was. That fever had definitely taken a toll on her. Even though Kai had brought her here and it was his fault she had gotten sick in the first place, she was quite thankful for him taking care of her.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she headed out to find Kai still sound asleep in her bed. It was funny, he looked so innocent while he slept. Shaking her head, Bonnie put on some slippers and headed to the kitchen. She started some coffee and then began on making breakfast of eggs and sausage for both her and Kai.

The smell of coffee had wafted into the room and woke Kai up. He rubbed his face and rolled out of bed before heading into the bathroom. His hair was a mess but he didn't care, he was on a mission to get coffee. "Morning, Bon Bon," he mumbled in a groggy voice as he walked into the kitchen, just as Bonnie was dishing the food onto plates.

"Morning, Kai," she stated as she handed him a cup of coffee then brought the plates over to the table for them.

This turn of events had surprised Kai. He wasn't expecting breakfast or kindness for that matter. After getting his coffee and lighting a fire in the fireplace, he joined Bonnie at the table for breakfast. "So, this is a surprise," he stated as he looked at her.

"Well, you saved my life so it's the least I could do," she replied as she began to eat.

Kai grinned to himself as he began to eat the breakfast provided. Once their breakfast was through, Bonnie went to get dressed and Kai watched as she headed for the door. "Where are you going," he asked, almost in a panic.

"Just out for some fresh air. Don't worry, I won't go far," she replied with a soft smile as she headed outside.

Kai looked out the window and saw her making a snowman. It was such a simple thing to do, but her face was almost full of childlike joy as she did it. Intrigued by this, Kai got dressed and headed out quietly. He just leaned against the wall as he watched her hum and make her snowman. Bonnie sensed that Kai was watching her, grinning to herself, she spotted him out of the corner of her eye. She made a snowball and quickly tossed it at him, catching him by surprise and hitting him in the chest. "Oh, it's on," he stated with a chuckle as he wiped the snow from himself and bent down to make a snowball of his own.

"Bring it," Bonnie laughed as she threw another snowball at him and then ran off.

Kai let out a laugh as he took off after her and it reminded him of the days when he and Jo were younger. Even with their father impressing on them that coven came before family, Kai and Jo had a special bond. They played together and protected each other. His laugh now was that long forgotten laugh. "Come out, Come out wherever you are, Bon Bon," he called out as he followed her footprints in the snow.

Bonnie was hidden up in a tree and dropped a snowball on his head as he walked beneath her. Her laughter caused her to fall from the tree, but luckily Kai was quick enough to catch her. They both fell back into the snow, laughing the whole way down. Bonnie was straddling Kai and gazing down at him as he laughed. His smile was so beautiful, she almost forgot that he was a psychopath. Once she realized her position on him and that she was staring, Bonnie quickly scrambled off of him with very rosy cheeks. "Let's finish that snowman before lunch," she stated with a smile.

"Sure thing, but first," Kai stood up quickly and dropped a bunch of snow on her head before helping her up.

"That's cold," she yelled as she shook the snow off of her.

Kai just chuckled and winked as he pulled her back towards the already started snowman. As the two worked to finish the snowman, Bonnie would catch Kai looking at her, making her blush once more. "Tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch," Kai asked as they headed back inside the cottage.

"That sounds perfect," Bonnie stated through chattering teeth. "But first we need to get out of these wet clothes," she added as she headed for her room.

Kai turned up the heat and added more wood to the fire before going to get dressed. He then began working on lunch as Bonnie decided to take a hot shower to try and warm up.

After a hot shower, Bonnie dressed in some warm flannel pajamas and slipped on her slippers before meandering back into the kitchen. "I love snow, I just wish it wasn't so cold," she stated with a grin as she sat down at the table.

Kai chuckled as he finished up the grilled cheese sandwiches and put them on plates. He brought them to the table then went to get the soup and put them onto the table. "Lunch is served," he stated as he took a seat at the table.

Bonnie's stomach gave a grumble as she got up and got them each some water before sitting down. "Smells great," she hummed as she broke up her grilled cheese and tossed it into the soup.

Kai watched her actions and smiled, normally he just dunked his sandwich as he went, but he decided to try her method. "Okay, your way is definitely better," Kai stated through a mouthful of food, making Bonnie laugh.

"It's just always been my method," she said after swallowing her bite of food. "You're actually really good at cooking, Kai," she added before sipping her water.

"Well, all those years alone in the prison world gave me a lot of time to learn how to cook and to perfect what I make," he shrugged but grinned.

Bonnie laughed softly at that. "I guess peanut butter sandwiches would get old after a while," she mused before taking another bite of her soup.

As they ate their lunch, the sky began to darken with clouds, which meant the storm was returning. "You know, you could have picked a warmer time to come," she stated with a chuckle as she looked out at the coming storm.

Kai nodded. "Yeah. I didn't think that a colossal blizzard would be occurring," he stated sheepishly. "What do you say we cuddle and watch movies," he suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Bonnie rolled her eyes at that. "No to cuddling, but sure to movies," she replied, although if she knew Kai, she knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.


I apologize for the wait guys, with my favorite uncle dying of cancer last month, my aunt having a relapse of cancer this month and several people I know getting covid, it's been hard to get on here and write.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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