Natsu x Reader: Spider

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At the sound of his name, the dragon slayer stopped eating and looked up to see a very panicked (Y/N).

His voice was muffled by the food in his mouth as he responded, "What?"

(Y/N) looked down sheepishly before stuttering, "There's a spider in the bathroom."

Happy and Natsu looked at each other before Natsu chuckled and slowly stood up. He approached (Y/N) and ruffled her (H/C) hair before cracking his knuckles and heading into the bathroom. (Y/N) quietly followed him and poked her head around his shoulder to make sure that he actually got rid of it. Natsu turned to her and asked her to get a cup to trap the spider in. (Y/N) quickly did so and rushed back to hand him the cup before finally leaving the bathroom and sitting on the couch.

"Got it!" Natsu shouted after a loud bang.

"Natsu, what on earth did you do this time?"

(Y/N) returned to the bathroom to see that Natsu's hands were aggressively pushing the cup against the shower wall. He turned to her and grinned.

"You wanna see it?"


"Oh come on, it looks super gross. You gotta see it."

"Natsu, knock it off! Get rid of it."

"Fine, fine," Natsu sighed as he brought the cup over to the window.

(Y/N) watched him carefully to make sure the spider actually got outside and breathed out in relief once she saw a small black speck fall from the cup. She joined Happy on the couch as she waited for Natsu to shut the window.

"See? It wasn't so bad. You totally should've seen it though. That thing was nasty."

"I don't want to know, Natsu. I'm just glad it's gone."

Natsu pouted, "You're no fun."

(Y/N) giggled before going back into the bathroom in hopes of a shower. Natsu heard another scream before she came running back out.

"I thought you said you got rid of it!"

"I did," Natsu defended.

The dragon slayer once again joined (Y/N) in the bathroom to see that another spider was crawling on the wall. Natsu's face got really close to the spider as he studied it.

"No way. This one is way grosser than the other one. (Y/N), come look."

"Get rid of it!"

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