Chapter 1

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No One's POV

9 girls were talking about who will be sharing rooms together. There are 3 rooms. The biggest room has 4 beds, followed by another room which has 3 beds beside the large room. Across the biggest room, there's another room and it has 2 beds.

"Ah! How about Mina and Tzuyu share room together? They don't talk to each other a lot. Maybe this can be a chance for them to get closer." Nayeon, the girl with bunny teeth, suggested.

"Oh! That's a great idea, unnie!" Jihyo, the motherly figure among the group, agreed.

"So, you two are going to share a room! Now, go and get to know each other more better!" Jeongyeon, the second tallest, said and pushed the quiet girls inside the room with 2 beds.

Once the 2 are inside the room, Jeongyeon immediately closed the door and went back to the other girls.

"It's funny how they think we are not close when we are already close." Mina, the youngest among the Japanese girls, spoke and chuckled lightly while her roommate also chuckled.

"It's because we didn't show that we are. Plus, it's very exciting to do this." Tzuyu, the tallest girl, said.

Yes, they are already close friends but they decided to act like they are not because like what Tzuyu said, they are both excited to see the 7 girls, being clueless and all. 

They have been close with each other ever since high school and the 7 girls didn't know, not a single thing about it.

"Of course. It's fun to see them not knowing that we are close. It's kind of funny when they put us as roommates just because they want us to be close." Mina said and both of them laughed softly.

Once they are done, they lied down on their beds and used their phones, knowing that someone will definitely barge in and they were right about that.

"Yo! Are you 2 -" 

"The both of you should talk to each other. You are going to be roommates for who knows how long." Jeongyeon came in energetically but soon the energy went down after seeing that Mina and Tzuyu were using their phones instead of talking to one another.

Jeongyeon and the other girls really thought that putting these 2 quiet ones together in one room would make them become good friends.

"We know. We rather use our phone than talking." Tzuyu said coldly without looking away from her phone.

"Referring to yourself, huh. I'm sure Mina would like to know more about you. Am i right?" Jeongyeon said, looking at Mina.

"Hmm...Maybe, i don't know." She answered, looking at Jeongyeon for awhile before looking back at her phone.

The oldest girl sighed, shaking her head.

"Anyway, good night." She said and the both of them told her the same thing as she exited the room. 

Once the door is closed, Mina and Tzuyu let out their breath.

"You want to wash up first?" Mina asked, putting her phone on the bedside table, which is placed in between the 2 beds. The table has a lamp on it.

"Nah, you can go first. Older first." Tzuyu said, joking at her last sentence.

"This Yoda! Aish!" Mina glared at the younger girl before going to the bathroom to do her washing up routine.

When they were done, they exchanged their goodnight with one another before switching the room light and lamp off.


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