Chapter 9

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Tzuyu's POV

After they left, Dahyun told me everything she has told me back in the car, before i received the text. 

"I don't dare to face her. I also don't want to hear what she has to say to me." Dahyun shared and i hummed, listening to her.

"But you do know that sooner or later, you have to face and talk to her because she's part of our squad." I said and she nodded her head, humming softly.

"Yeah, i know. Maybe for later but not for now. I don't want to look like a fool again in front of her." She told me.

"Anyway, let's talk about something more happy. Talking about this will only continue to make you sad and i don't want you to look sad." I said, staring at the older girl.

"Thanks, Tzu." She smiled and i returned the smile.

"You got anyone you like?" She asked which made me choked on empty air, catching me off-guard and causing me to cough.

"Are you alright?" She asked, chuckling lightly, and i nodded my head.

"I don't have anyone i like, i think." I answered but she doesn't seemed to be convinced as she wriggled her eyebrows.

"You think? Hmm~" She teased with a smirk.

"I mean, my heart is always beating so fast whenever i'm with a certain girl." I admitted and she smiled in a teasing way.

"My baby Yoda is growing up~ Your parents must be proud to see you grow up~" She said, referring to the 2 oldest girls in our squad.

"Anyway, who is this girl that makes your heartbeat like this? Is it someone i know? Is it from our class? Is it from our squad?" She bombarded me with questions, looking curious.

"Yes, it's someone you know. It's not from our class but it's from our squad. Now, stop asking and let's go to sleep." I said and quickly lied down on the bed. 

"Tch. I was about to ask you who was it but you cut the conversation. So mean." Dahyun complained but still lied down on the hospital bed and the both of us drifted to our dreamland. 


I heard some whispering in the room so i opened my eyes slowly to see my parents are here along with Dahyun's parents and our friends.

"How are you, sweetie?" Mum rushed to my side, crying and looking worried.

"I'm fine now, mum." I answered and she hugged me as i hugged her back.

"Thank goodness you're fine. We won't know what to do if we lose you." Dad spoke as he came to hug the both of us together.

We heard the door slid open and the doctor and nurse entered the ward room. My parents and i broke the hug and they went back to standing beside me. Mum was still crying and Dad comforting her.

"Good news. The both of you can be discharged today, right now. You are perfectly fine now." The doctor announced and Dahyun and i reached our arms out towards one another to high-five with each other.

"Mum, Dad, am i not disturbing your time from working? You need to work, right?" I asked worriedly as we walked towards the parking lot of the hospital.

"No, no. You are not. You are our daughter so it's a given that we should come see how you are doing. You are more important than our work." Mum spoke and Dad nodded his head in agreement, making me feel touched and i started crying.

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