Chapter 3

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Tzuyu's POV

I woke up the earliest today. I decided to cook breakfast for myself. Jeongyeon-unnie will cook for the others, anyway, hehe.

I heard some footsteps coming towards me and i turned around to see my roommate in a daze state.

"Are you cooking breakfast?" She asked sleepily and i hummed as a response.

"Come to think of it, i have never tasted your cooked foods. I really want to know how it taste like." She told me as she sat down in the dining room. I rarely cook, that's why.

"Okay. Then i will cook breakfast for you." I said softly and she hummed in a sleepy manner.

Once done, i placed two plates onto the dining table. Mina-unnie was already drooling over my yummy-looking food. I chuckled mentally, finding her cute.

"I know it's yummy but it's time for us to eat." I told her softly and she snapped out then we started eating.

We heard some footsteps and i quickly washed the plates while Mina-unnie ran to the living room in the speed of light. 

"Oh? You 2 are up early." Jeongyeon-unnie said in her sleepy tone.

"Unnie, i already ate. My roommate also ate already." Mina-unnie informed the older girl so she won't cook for the both of us.

"Oh? How come? Did you 2 eat together?" The ostrich asked, not expecting us to have breakfast at the same time.

"No. I cooked my own and she cooked hers." I answered and my roommate nodded her head, signalling to the tall girl that i'm right. She then sighed.

"And here i thought you 2 ate together and have a bonding time with one another." She mumbled but we both heard it.

"Yeah, right. You need to wait for years for that to happen." I said and rolled my eyes as i walked back to our bedroom.

I know my words are mean and i might hurt Mina-unnie's feelings but don't worry. I always apologize whenever we are in our room. The both of us does that when we said something that's mean and hurtful.

I went to my laptop as i sat by the study table and started doing my own stuff. My phone vibrated on the table, making me stop whatever i am looking at on my laptop screen and turned my head to my phone while taking it into my hand.

Mi-unnie: U r so mean back then!

Wait for years to happen?? Are u serious?!

We dont even take that much to get close like how we are now

In fact, we only took like around 3 to 4 days to become best and close friends

You know!

Me: Chill, unnie

U know i dont mean what i said, right??

Im sorry for hurting you and your feelings

But rlly, i dont mean it

Its just you know, for acting

But still, im rlly sorry :(

And wow, i didnt know u count the number of days that we became friends ;)

Mi-unnie: Yah!

Its not what u think it is! 

It was easy to remember the number, thats y i could remember it

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