Chapter 7

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Tzuyu's POV

"Are you okay now? Are you feeling better now?" I asked worriedly as i sat down beside my roommate on the edge of her bed. It's already nighttime which means time for us to talk through the night.

"Yeah, i am. I'm relieved that i managed to stop you from going out to punch that guy." Mina-unnie answered me as she placed her head on my shoulder, which i don't mind at all. Instead, it makes my heart beats faster and i tried to stabilize my breathing so that the older girl won't know about my abnormal beating.

"You would be end up hurt if you went out so that's why i stopped you." She added on and i hummed.

"Thanks for stopping me back then." I spoke softly, feeling relieved and thankful.

"To be honest, i find him creepy and scary. How did he know our address? How did he know where we live?" Mina-unnie asked in a shaky voice, feeling scared.

"It's alright. Everything is going to be okay." I said with assurance as i wrapped an arm around her shoulders and patted her shoulder.

Silence took over the whole room. It's not an awkward one but a comfortable one. We stayed like that for a long time since my roommate needed time to calm herself down and i stayed by her side the entire time.

After who knows how long, we finally decided to sleep.

Mina-unnie's phone vibrated on the bedside table and i immediately grabbed it before my roommate got woken up by the phone vibration. I have already woke up earlier.

'How dumb of you to think that i dont know where you live. I have been watching you everywhere. No matter you go and where you are at, im always watching you and your actions, including your group of friends' actions' 

This gave me goosebumps. He's seriously a creepy stalker. I should watch out for him whenever we are outside of our house. I got to protect Mina-unnie. I can't afford to let her be in danger.

It seems like the guy is online because he's typing something right now. Is he going to say what i am thinking?

'You read it but didnt reply again. Why are you always not replying to me? Only when i come find you and force you to reply then you will then respond back. Why?'

As what i thought. He really did said this just like what i have expected. He really wants attention so badly. He can just go to a bar and get the attention there. I'm sure the ladies there would be delighted to give him his attention. Why Mina-unnie? Why does he wants her and only her? She's...never mind. She's my best friend so why does she need to go through this? She didn't even do anything wrong. She don't deserve this. Why is this guy doing this to her? Why is he making her suffer so much? Why can't he just accept the fact that Mina-unnie don't like him back the same way? 

I sighed heavily as i placed the phone on my bed before going to wake my roommate up so the loud mic won't come barging in and making her annoyed. She always end up waking up annoyed whenever Jihyo-unnie wakes us up with her loud voice.

"Jihyo-unnie is coming for us soon." I whispered while tapping her cheek with my index finger. She immediately sat up from her bed, looking half-asleep and half-awake.

"Good morning, unnie." I greeted her with a warm smile as she looked at me with a dazed expression.

"Good morning." She greeted sleepily. She stood up and went to the bathroom, still looking sleepy.

I went to the dining room and sat there while Jeongyeon-unnie and Jihyo-unnie cooked breakfast together for everyone, including themselves.

"Guys, go ahead first. I have something i want to say to Momo-unnie privately so it's better if you guys wait for us at the garage. We will be down fast." Dahyun informed us and we just nodded our heads then headed to the garage.

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