Chapter 12

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Tzuyu's POV

"Mina-unnie, let's hang out today!" I shouted, walking into our bedroom after i'm free from the 2 oldest kids.

"Are the others coming along or are we the only ones going out?" She asked as she looked up from her laptop.

"We are the only ones. You want the others to come along?" I asked her, trying to hide my disappointment.

"No, i rather being alone with you." Mina-unnie said and i blushed. Did she just flirt with me? 

I hid my blushing face and started getting ready. Mina-unnie shut her laptop down and got ready too. Is this a date? It's considered a date, right? Oh my god! I'm so nervous. We didn't end our date properly the last time so i don't know what to do. Even though this is my second time going out alone with her, the thought of us hanging out alone still makes me nervous.

I told the others that the both of us are going out. All of them started teasing me, thinking that we are going out on a date. Well, i guess it's really a date, huh. 

I couldn't take their teasing anymore and just went to the garage as i heard them laughing when i walked away from them. They are so going to get it from me soon.

"Whoa..." I became amazed at Mina-unnie's beauty as she approached me. I was leaning against my car and pushed away when she came down.

"Am i that beautiful?" My roommate asked and i nodded my head with my mouth open in amazement.

"You're drooling." She teased and i immediately wiped my mouth then shut my mouth.

"You are gorgeous too." She complimented me which made me blushed. I screamed on the inside after hearing her praise for me. She's going to be the end of me, damn.

"Thank you for the compliment, my princess. Shall we head out now, my beautiful Juliet?" I praised myself on the inside for not being a stuttering mess and managed to stay calm.

"Princess and Juliet? Then you are my Romeo and prince." She said with a sweet smile as she walked to the other side of the car with me opening the door for her before she gets to it.

Before she gets inside, she pecked my cheek which got me taken aback. I didn't know what happened. My mind couldn't process what she just did to me. 

"My prince, what are you waiting for? Aren't we supposed to head out?" Mina-unnie asked and i snapped out from my thoughts then rushed to the driver's side.

"Where are we going?" She asked once i have started driving out of the garage.

"You will know later. All you need to know is not romantic." I told her and she hummed with a nod, chuckling lightly.

"But you are already a romantic person." She said and i swear, she's the death of me. She's making me into a even more nervous mess.

"No, i'm not. What's with you and your compliments today, princess?" I asked her and from the corner of my eyes, i saw her shrugging her shoulders with a smile, a smile with unreadable expression. Is she planning something?

"Then what's with you and your call names for me, prince?" She asked back instead of answering my question. I just hummed with a shoulder shrug.

"Are you uncomfortable? Then i will stop calling you that." I told her without answering her question since she didn't do that to my question. 

"No, i'm very delighted with your call names for me." She spoke and i smiled in happiness. Looks like i have the chance and seems like she likes me back but who knows, she might be playing around with me by going with the flow of our 'friendly' date.

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