Chapter 2

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Mina's POV

BamBam texted me to meet him at the rooftop after school. He's so obvious. I can tell that he likes me. Even my friends can tell that. He's way too obvious, really. I'm not bragging at all.

I texted Tzuyu, telling her about this. 

Chewy: U sure u dont want me to go??

Me: Im sure of it

If something happen, i will just scream

Chewy: And i will come right for ur rescue

Me: Haha, then i will wait for u, hehe

We continued texting each other in class until Momo and Sana came back to the classroom and sat down beside me. I put my phone in my pocket, not wanting them to see my chat with the tall girl.

"I will be meeting someone later after school so i'm not going home with you guys." I informed my 2 best friends.

"Where are you going?" Momo asked curiously while Sana stared at me intently.

"I'm meeting someone." I answered them and they smirked.

"Oh~ Is it your crush?" Sana teased while i shook my head, chuckling when i saw them pouted in disappointment.

"Enjoy your time with whoever you are meeting up with later, Minari~" Momo said and i smiled with  a nod.

School ended and i felt unsafe for some unknown reason but i still went to the rooftop to meet a certain boy.

"Please make it fast." I told him and he nodded his head with a smile.

"Sure, i will make it fast and quick. I love you, Mina. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He confessed. Knew it. I expected this coming.

"No." I answered him straightforwardly, looking into his eyes. His face soon became red and he looked angry. 

"What? Why?" He asked, trying to not sound angry towards me.

"You like someone? Is it that Tzuyu girl? Do you like her? Is she better than me? Is-"

"Stop. I don't like anyone now. I have no one in my mind right now and i do not want to get into a relationship yet. I'm not ready for one." I cut him off, getting enough of his stupid questions.

"Right. Then i can make you have one in your mind." He said with an evil smirk. I'm starting to hate this boy.

The door opened and we snapped our heads to the door. I immediately ran to the tall girl and hid behind her.

"I'm sorry but your words doesn't sound right. You're scaring her, you know." Tzuyu said and BamBam just laughed crazily.

"I don't care how my words sound to you. Your opinion doesn't matter." He spoke to the younger girl.

"Mina, come here. We are dating already so why hide behind this girl?" BamBam lied and was about to grab my wrist but instead, Tzuyu grabbed his.

"Not that fast. I need proof that you 2 are really dating or else i won't let you come near her." Tzuyu said in a threatening voice.

BamBam clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Let's go." Tzuyu said and dragged me away from that boy.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly while she's driving back home.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Nothing happen at all. If you didn't come in, i'm pretty sure he might do something to me already. I didn't scream and you saved me without me giving a cue." I told her and she chuckled.

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