Chapter 5

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Mina's POV

BamBam came again, during our break time. I'm getting really annoyed. Thanks to my friends who are always with me, i feel calm and secure. At least they can fight for me if he tries to do something to me. Especially Tzuyu, i trust her a lot that she will stand up for me the most. 

I don't know why i trust her more than the other 7 probably because we are more close with each other than the others. Of course, our 7 friends are my close and best friends too.

"Mina, what do you mean by your last message?" He asked, acting as if he's very friendly with that smile on his face. What a fake smile and a person he is.

"Can you stop bothering her? Can't you see that she's annoyed by your presence here?" Tzuyu asked, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Mina. Who are you to tell me that?" BamBam talked back with a glare towards the tall girl. 

"She's my friend. Don't talk to her like that. And she's right about what she just said." I said in a pissed tone.

"Go away." Jihyo told him with a threatening tone and it's scary.

"She didn't tell me to go away." He fought back again. 

"Go away!" I raised my voice a little, super annoyed at him.

"Fine. I will text you then." He said with a smirk and i just rolled my eyes before looking at my food. I saw Tzuyu staring at me but she soon looked away when i continued eating my lunch.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Tzuyu suddenly excused herself and went to the toilet. 

"That guy seriously need to learn his lesson. He's damn rude to us then act nice to our Mina. Who does he think he is?" Nayeon-unnie complained angrily.

"He thinks that Mina will love him no matter what kind of person he is. He's a loser, a pathetic loser." Jeongyeon-unnie said, shaking her head.

"I will go to the bathroom." I told everyone since i noticed that Tzuyu is not back here yet. She's been gone for a long time, more than two minutes already and she's still not back here.

"Tzuyu, are you here?" I asked once i closed the entrance door of the bathroom. She's not here but there are cubicles that are closed and locked.

My phone vibrated and i took it out to read it only to see the younger girl has sent me a message.

'Im here but dealing with my usual business, u know' 

I blushed in embarrassment, not expecting that. I thought she was in the toilet for a long time because something happened or something.

I decided to go back to the others first, not wanting them to think that we are close friends so fast. They think that we just became friends so it would be weird, to me, that we became so close after the day we became friends in their eyes.

"Eh? How come Chewy is not with you? Did she went missing?" Momo asked once i came back and sat back down with them.

"Yah! There's no way she would be missing! This is our school and why would students get lost when we are here for months already?" Sana said and the older Japanese girl made an 'o' shape with her mouth while nodding her head slowly, looking like an idiot.

"Anyway, where is Tzu?" Dahyun asked me and i just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. I didn't see her." I told them.

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