Chapter 8

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Mina's POV

"I can't believe this! Since when did you 2 switched phones with one another? Has it been a long time?" Nayeon-unnie asked, staring at me as if wanting to kill me with her fiery eyes.

"Come on, unnie! Can't you just calm down? You are scaring her!" Chae raised her voice at the oldest, who just sat down, huffing and folding her arms, across me.

"It's been a month since we used each other phones. Tzuyu don't want me to be bothered by it so she made the suggestion of swapping phones since it looked exactly the same. We didn't want you girls to worry." I told them and they just listened to me.

"We are actually more close than you guys think we are." I ended and they all turned their heads in unison.

"So you are saying that the both of you have been pretending that you are not close with one another?" Sana asked with one raised eyebrow, staring at me. I nodded my head slowly, biting my inner cheek, feeling nervous and scared of what they will do to me. Tzuyu is not here and i hope she is so she could protect me. I really like it when she protects me because it gives me a sense of security and comfort. I also smiled without knowing whenever she does that.

"Well, that's good to know. But why the need to act in front of us? You can just tell us that you are already close so we don't need to keep making you guys talk to one another." Jihyo said and i just smiled.

"We just found it fun to do it. Plus, i prefer to have her as my roommate. She's my pick when it comes to sharing room because we let one another do whatever we wants most of the time. I'm sure if i'm sharing room with any of you here, i would go through hell because it's going to be chaotic for me to handle." I explained and giggled after seeing them pouted.

"But i don't mind having friends like you guys because we are always there for one another so let's head to the hospital now." I said and they brightened up when they heard what i said before nodding their heads with a big smile on their faces.


"How are they?" We rushed to the doctors instantly once they exited the operation rooms.

"May i know what's your relationship with the 2 girls?" The doctor, in the white coat, asked.

"We are their close friends. Their parents are currently out of the country." Jihyo answered.

"Do they have any siblings?" The fact that they are asking us prove that it's not good news...Right?

"They are the only child." Jeongyeon-unnie answered this time. All of us are nervous of what's the outcome.

"The pale girl's condition is stable. However, she hit her arm too hard on the door until it got dislocated so we have to put an arm sling. She got a few scratches on the side of her head because of hitting the window of the car. She's currently fine.

As for the female driver, because her forehead bumped into the steering wheel too hard so it might cause some memory loss but overall, she is fine." The doctor in blue, without white coat, explained shortly. All of us sighed in relief. But for me, i'm not that relieved.

"Can Ms Chou regain her memory back?" I asked both doctors.

"Yes, she can still regain back the memory that is lost. It's just that it can't be forced, meaning no one should force her to remember or else she will get a lot of headaches." The doctor in white coat answered and i nodded my head, feeling relieved somehow.

"Can we see them? Are they put in the same ward room?" Sana asked and they nodded their heads. They told us which room they are in.

Their ward room is 2814. We entered the room only to see Dahyun awake but Tzuyu, she's still not awake.

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