Chapter 11

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Tzuyu's POV

After eating, i drove to a beach to watch the sunset together. Once we arrived, i sat down on the hood of my car and Mina-unnie followed, sitting beside me.

"She will meet us here?" My roommate asked and i hummed as a response.

"Hold on. I will go get her. I told her to meet me somewhere nearby." I told her and she nodded her head then i went off, leaving her alone. I don't feel safe when i leave her alone since there are also many people at the beach, watching the sunset and playing around.

I walked further and further but soon stopped once she can't see me from here. I can still see her, fortunately. I watched her from afar. Even though she looks tiny from here, she still looks pretty.

After awhile, there were boys approaching her and talking to her. From her body language, i could tell that she's uncomfortable so i instantly ran back, not wanting anything bad to happen.

"May i know what do you need from her?" I asked as i wrapped one arm around her shoulders as if she's mine. The boys gave me a confusing look before giving me a smirk.

"Oh, we just want to have fun. But since you're here, we can have fun altogether, including this beautiful friend of yours." The tallest spoke with a flirtatious smirk.

"Since you're here, i can show you that she's not my friend. We are obviously here on a date. Can't you tell, stupid playboys?" I said, changing my tone from nice to being cold.

"Date? Really? You are just doing this because you don't want us to touch your and her body. I'm sure the both of you want to be badly touched, right?" I had enough so i punched the tallest boy. The other 2 boys, there are 3 boys altogether, came and held me by the arm but i didn't let them do that easily.

I kicked the shortest boy in between his legs, causing him to shout in pain and i slid my leg to the other boy's feet, making him fell onto the ground of sand. 

"I will call the police to arrest you for trying to rape us!" I shouted and they immediately ran away. I heaved out a heavy breath.

I then felt someone hugging me from behind with her palms resting on my abs. I do have abs, by the way. 

"Thanks for saving me from them. I won't know what to do if you are not here." Mina-unnie whispered and i hummed.

"It's fine. I told you that i will protect you." I told her while staring at the sun.

"But i thought you meant it when BamBam is still pursuing me." She said and i chuckled lightly.

"Of course not. I meant it to protect you forever." I said with a smile.

"Oh ya! Where's the girl who likes me?" I cursed on the inside for forgetting such thing but i got an idea soon after.

"Here. She's here." I told her with a small smile.

"Where? I don't see anyone looking at us." I giggled, finding her cute but the situation funny.

"It's -" I was about to confess when my phone rang. I cursed in my mind as i picked the call up while Mina-unnie is looking at me intently, curious who is calling me at the moment.

Whoever is calling me, you are disturbing my date and confession. This is the second time i have been interrupted when i was about to confess.

"Hello." -Me (I'm so gonna kill you, whoever you are)

"Tzu, Dahyun is missing!" -Chaeng (What...)

"What do you mean she's missing? How did she went missing? When did this happened?" -Me

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