Chapter 10

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Tzuyu's POV


The door slammed opened, causing the both of us to snap our heads towards the door. I cursed on the inside at Dahyun for disturbing me just when i have the courage to confess my feelings.

I glared at the pale girl, who shivered when she saw my intense stare.

"Um...Can i sleep here for the night again?" She asked, not looking at me and looking at my roommate instead.

"Yeah, sure. You don't mind, right, Tzuyu-ah?" Mina-unnie asked, tapping my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, i don't mind it at all." I spoke, trying to be calm. 

"Then goodnight to the both of you." My roommate spoke and got up from her bed.

"Goodnight." The both of us said at the same time and the older girl just smiled before exiting the room and closing the door.

"I'm sorry if i interrupt your conversation with her." Dahyun said, sitting on my bed.

"It's fine. So how are you and Momo-unnie?" I asked curiously as i softened my gaze and looked at her.

"Not good. I give her a chance to speak to me just now but she just wasted it." She answered and i became confused but curious at the same time.

"How did she wasted the chance? Using her phone to text her boyfriend or something?" I asked her intently.

"No, she just kept quiet and looked elsewhere. Doesn't that shows that she don't want to talk to me?" She said and i nodded my head, taking in the information.

"Maybe she's not ready. I mean, she knows you like her and she needs time to explain things to you. She don't want to lose you because the both of you are close with each other." I said, thinking if i'm right about that or not.

"Hmm...Maybe you're right." She spoke and smiled a little.

"I'm always right." I said proudly of myself and we chuckled together.

"By the way, did i interrupt anything just now? You were literally glaring at me just now when i entered the room." She asked.

"Of course you did. I was about to-" Wait. Should i tell her that Mina-unnie is my crush?

"You were about to...?" She asked with anticipation. She will surely tease me if i tell her about it. Plus, i really want my roommate to know this first before anyone of them know.

"Nothing. We were about to sleep, that's why." I lied my way out.

"Anyway, let's sleep." I said before she could say anything and lied down on Mina-unnie's bed.


"Tzuyu, wake up. Time for school." A soft voice woke me up and i sat up, rubbing my eyes.

I opened my eyes and focused the blurry vision into a clearer one. 

"Are you awake?" Ah, it's my crush. She woke me up. It's great to see her face first thing when i wake up.

"Yeah..." I answered sleepily and she chuckled.

"Wash up and get ready for school. Jeongyeon-unnie is cooking breakfast and she's going to be done soon." Mina-unnie told me and i hummed.

Dahyun sat down beside me with a heavy sigh. I looked at her while Jeongyeon-unnie is preparing our breakfast. Mina-unnie is sitting across me and she stared at the pale girl with worry.

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