Chapter 7

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Cashmere's POV
I wake up the next morning actually excited to go to training since I know with Gloss being with me know one will bother me, and if they do Gloss and his friends will help get through it. I decide to get up, and get ready, I go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth, and put my hair into a high ponytail. After I get done with that I go back to my room and put on a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top. When I get all dressed I go down stairs and see I am the only one awake, and make some oatmeal, and cut up a banana to put on it, and I get a glass of water, and sit at our kitchen table and eat. A few minutes after I sit down Gloss walks into the kitchen all dressed and ready to go. He sees me sitting at the table eating, and walks up to me and says "Good morning Cash, I didn't expect to see you up early and ready to go," I look up and see him and say "I know, but I woke up and decided that I am going to make today a good day, since I only have a few weeks left with you, I don't want t be down all the time." He looks surprised at what I said and he says "I am really happy to hear that, so does this mean you're not going to let Brianna and her group get to you today?" I think about it for a minute and decide to say "yeah I am tired of them getting to me and if I show no emotion to them, they will probably stop," he looks really happy and says "that's my little sister , I am really happy you have more courage in yourself now" I look at him with a huge smile on my face, and I say "you should probably get something to eat, before we leave," and he says "ok." He gets up and goes to make himself some oatmeal, and when I get up to put my bowl in the sink, our parents walk in and say they have something to talk to us about, and I kinda get a little nervous, because I don't need them bringing up me getting bullied. Me and Gloss share worried looks and I sit back down and our parents sit down across from us, and they bring up the worst news ever, they tell us that the reaping has been moved up to tomorrow. I look at Gloss, and see him looking worried right at me, and I burst into tears and ask "WHY!!!!!!" I see my parents look at each other knowingly, but they say they don't know, I then say "Yes y'all do know. TELL US!!!" Gloss the says "Cash, come on calm down" "NO GLOSS, I CAN'T CALM DOWN, NOT WHEN YOUR LEAVING TOMORROW!!!" I stand up and run out of the house and don't look back, I run to where mine and Gloss's favorite place is (the woods with the lake), and fall to my knees and cry and cry till my throat is sore from screaming and crying. Why did this have to happen, the exact year Gloss volunteers. I then hear footsteps coming towards me, I instantly recognize them as my brothers. I turn around and see him and he keeps walking towards me, and when he gets to me he sits beside me and says "Cash I know this hard on you, trust me I know, but you have to trust that I will come back, and I won't be gone that long. Ok?" I look up at him and cry even more and say "But Gloss, I just got my courage and now you have to leave," I know he feels bad, and he says "Cash listen to me, I know and I am happy you have courage in yourself now, but don't let the games change anything about that, Aiden, Xander, Jack, and Kamron will be here and just act like you do around me and it'll be ok." I just look at him and back towards the lake, and back at him and finally say "We need to go to training. Come on" I am not ready to face everyone at the training center, but I just really want to walk with Gloss and not have to worry about anything right now.

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