Chapter 60

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A little warning: I have added my own twist to the interviews and specifically Ceaser.
A few minutes before
Cashmere's POV
When me and Gloss get to the interviews we see Brutus and Enobaria. Gloss introduced me to them during my games and since then me and Enobaria have been best friends, Gloss starts talking to Brutus and I start talking to Enobaria. I say, "Hey Enobaria how have you been," "I have good how about you," she tells me, "I have been ok, but I still have nightmares over the games and it has been 7 years since I won, Gloss says that they get better, but I don't really know," I tell her, "They will trust me they won't go away completely because we have seen things that nobody needs to see, and I can see how yours would be worse, because of what you went through, but I promise  they do get better, and hey it's good to see you mentoring this year," she tells me and I say, "Yea I figured I will need to mentor at some time, so I figured why not do it this year," just then Ceaser's voice interrupts any further conversation, and he says, "Welcome to the eve of the 74TH HUNGER GAMES!!, now who's ready to meet the tributes," and the crowd goes crazy, and Ceaser says, "Well from District 1 let's welcome GLIMMER!," and the crowd goes crazy again and Glimmer walks out on the stage all cheery and Ceaser starts the interview by saying, "So Glimmer are you excited," "Yes I am Ceaser, because I know I will win, and bring pride to my district, unlike some of those other tributes," she says with a devious smirk. Ceaser says, "Well Glimmer I must say that dress is stunning," Jenna always knew how to make a perfect dress, and Glimmer says, "Why thank you Ceaser, my stylist, Jenna, knows how to make a perfect dress, and she actually was the stylist for my mentor, Cashmere," and she looks at me and smiles and I smile back, and Ceaser asks, "Speaking of you and your partner's mentors the lovely Brother and Sister are they here," and Glimmer says, "Yes they are," and Ceaser says, "Why don't we shine the spotlight on them," and I look worriedly at Gloss and he nods his head and we stand up, and the spotlight shines on us, and I swear I go blind, because they shine it directly in mine and Gloss's eyes. Ceaser then says, "We welcome you back Cashmere, it seems you have been trying to avoid us not coming that past few years," and I feel someone grab my shoulders and I hear Enobaria's voice, but Ceaser keeps talking, "Was it true what your district partner during your games said, because ever since you won you haven't bothered to come back, were you just using us," and I hear Gloss, "HOW ABOUT WE GET THE SPOTLIGHT OFF OF HER, BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY BLIND HER!!!," I say, "Please I can't see," and start freaking out, Enobaria wraps an arm around my shoulders and says, "Ceaser come on this isn't right," and Ceaser says, "And after your games during your interview we all deserved to know what your plans were for the baby, since the sponsors helped get you and that baby out," I can't see right now, but I can speak, so I say, "You really wanna know, because I don't really think any of you would want to hear what happened to it, oh wait y'all are too caught up in the Games to care about anybody else," "Cashmere watch what you say, Snow is watching," I hear Enobaria tell me. "Ceaser do you really wanna know," I ask and Ceaser says, "Yes I would," "Well me and my boyfriend were going to raise it, but I got attacked and lost it," and I am still blind, but I feel like I am being pushed out of the way, by 3 people, that I think are Gloss, Enobaria, and Brutus, when they get me away from the audience and spotlight, my sight still doesn't come back, and I start panicking, and I say, "I CAN'T SEE!!!!," "Cashmere calm down, your no longer out there, so your sight should come back in a little bit," I hear Brutus say, I then hear people coming and I hear, "Guys I am so sorry I shouldn't have told him where y'all were," I recognize it as Glimmer, and I say, "Glimmer it's fine during my postgames interview they wanted to know what my plans were for the baby, but I said that it was non of their business and they got mad," and I hear Marvel ask, "Where your games as bad as it seems they were," "For me yea, but for anyone else it was a normal game," I tell him and smile slightly and say, "Y'all need to get back to the interviews, before Snow comes out," Glimmer says, "No your one of our mentors we can't leave with your sight how it is," "Glimmer I will be fine, but there is no telling what Snow will do," I tell her and then I hear 2 other people coming up. Enobaria then says, "What are you two doing," "They called off the interviews for right now, because of what happened," I think Clove says, and I rub my eyes hoping my sight will come back and it does, but is still really blurry, I then see Gloss walk over to me and say, "Cashmere can you see now," "Yes but it's blurry and I am seeing black dots, but it's fine," I tell him, and Brutus says, "Clove, Cato did Ceaser say anything else when we left," and Cato says, "Not really but he was just complaining about how Cashmere was acting," I sigh, because I know this is my fault, and suddenly I ask Gloss, "Do you think Kamron, Hannah, Ally, and Aiden were watching this," and he says, "They probably were, since it is mandatory, and Cashmere no," he says shaking his head, because he knows what I am thinking. "What if they get hurt, because of the way I was acting," I say, "Cashmere they won't," Gloss says and the rest of the group looks at us in confusion and I say, "They're our friends back home," and they nod their heads and Ceaser yells, "WHERE DID THEY ALL GO!!!!," and we all know he is talking about us, and I say, "CEASER OVER HERE!!," and they all look at me confused before I say, "Just wait," and Ceaser is about half way to us and I pull the knife I have put from the back of my dress and hide it behind my back, and I look at the others and mouth, "Run," and we take off me making sure the knife is hidden, and Ceaser chases us and we lead him to a back room that is like a storage room. When we get there Gloss asks, "Cashmere what are you planning on doing," and I say, "Something I should have done a long time ago," when he gets into the room I pull him up by his shirt and close the door, and I say, "So Ceaser are you still happy you pushed me into telling you my plans for the baby," and it may be dark and I can barely see, but I can feel him nod his head so I push the knife up to his neck, and ask, "Do you think it's any of yalls business what I wanted to do with that baby," and he says, "Yes, President Snow deserved to know," "Do you think it was right to blind me and ask me those questions in front of everyone," I ask him angrily. I can fell someone trying to pull me away, but I push them off me, and slice Ceaser's cheek, and I say, "Your lucky I only got your cheek, and if you tell anyone about what happened I will kill you. Understand," and he nods his head and scurries out. When he leaves the rest of us do, and Glimmer says, "Wow Cashmere," "that anger was just built up inside of me and I need to get it out," I say and smirk. We all walk back out to backstage me being lead by Gloss, Enobaria, and Brutus when we get there I hear snickers, but don't think to much of them, and we go back to our seats for the interviews to continue me between Gloss and Enobaria and Brutus on the other side of Enobaria.

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