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"Oh Bella!" She gasped, "I just saw all the e-mails you sent to me. Bella I'm so sorry." She came over and hugged me tightly. "If I'd had seen these i would have come straight back I swear." She looked like she would be crying if she could. "Dont worry Alice. It helped me," I struggled with the correct word "cope, writing them." I would have gone on but i heard something smash in the other room, then I realised Edward was gone. "Bella come here." He said, his words came out half strangled. "Coming!" I called, I took one last glance at Alice whose face was full of empathy, and then ran into the other room. Edward has his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees. "whats wron-" i asked but then i saw what was on the screen, my first email to Alice. It read:

Dear Alice, I miss you more than i thought it was humanly possible to miss someone. I feel like theres been a huge hole punched in my chest. The pain is unbearable. I cant listen to music, i havnt even read withering hights in the past week. I'm tring to be normal for Charlie but theres no escape from the, the agony, the excruciating pain. Sometimes it get so overwhelming that i collapse and have to hold myself together - literally, i have to wrap my arms around my torso - well, schools ok. Charlie seems, fine. Renee still checks in. Work, is well, work. though i havnt really been able to go. I dont think Mrs Newton expects me anymore. Not like any of you care. I just need to know one thing. Is Ed- is he happy? Thats all i need. Lots of love Bella. x 

As I read i realised how dead i was. How dead i looked. I turned round to see Edward hadnt moved. "Edward." he didnt respond. I walked over to him and pulled his hands away from his face (it felt good to be able to do this) "If you dont mind, I'd rather you didnt hide your face." I smiled but his expression made him look like he was burning. I hugged him fiercly, it was all i could do. I couldnt deny the pain i used to feel. I could feel him kissing my neck, so i pulled away a bit. His lips moved to my jaw and up to the corner of my mouth "Its a bit late, but know i  wasnt happy. I felt the same pain you described. Maybe worse." He smiled and kissed me. It wasnt as gentle as it used to be. But i liked that, I could fully appriciate him now. He pullend away and held me in his arms. I rested my head against his chest and could feel his lips on my hair "I love you." He whispered I was about to say it back when i remebered something, I pulled away and looked him in the eye "You are my life now." i said, he laughed gently and pulled me back against him.

I could hear whispering in the other room, and realised Alice was reading my email to the others from memory. I felt Edward wince, when she moved onto the next one, clearly, Edward hadnt gotten that far "Lets go." i said enthusiasticly, "Lets go to our meadow." he agreed. I still couldnt get over the speed as we ran through the forest. Edward wasnt as, enthusiastic as he might have been, I guessed the emails were getting to hima bit more then he let on. I had to distract him, but i didnt know how. I felt like we needed time just to focus on us. But we lived with the others and i wouldnt want to make them uncomfortable. I would love to go on a road trip, but there arent many places you can go in the day as a vampire. Even though he was right here, running next to me, it felt like he was far away, and i missed him. Its pathetic but i do. We eventually got there , and i was releived to see it was just as beautiful as when i first saw it, and not dead like Edward had left it when he.. left.

"So I was thinking.." I started

"About not hitting trees i hope." Edward replied we both burst out laughing and sat down on the damp grass. "No not that, though i thought i would. Its just so easy." He nodded, i guess he must of noticed i wanted to talk about something. "Well, i feel like ever since you came back we've been so distant. I guess i have too, my point is i think we should focus on being together. I love you but i feel like, like we've been out of sync lately." I looked at him for some kind of agreement or reasurance, but his face was thoughtful, calculating. "I know what you mean." He said. "I shouldve known you hadnt killed Charlie" We both winced and he rubbed my shoulder "You wouldve been so upset and now i realise you probably wouldnt have come back, not straight away, anayway. I'm sorry, truly I am." We sat their for a moment, both knowing what we wanted but not quite knowing how to get it. Then he blurted out "Lets go to Brazil!" He seemed really enthusiastic but i was confused. "Whats in Brazil?" 

"You'll see." He kissed my forehead and then we running back to the house. He asked Esme ifhe could talk to her whilst Alice was trying to persuade me to go shopping "Just wait until the humans see you!" she trilled "And all the clothes!!" I zoned out after a bit, there was never often a point in arguing with Alice. "Did you hear me Bella? You're going to Brazil!!!" And suddenly I could wait, I went to glare at Jasper, but he wasn't anywhere I could see. And then it hit me, I'm going to Brazil with Edward!!!

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