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Emmett put his elbow on the boulder and beckoned me forward, I couldn't believe what I'd signed myself up for, but once again, I felt the raw strength flowing through my arms and I placed my elbow opposite Emmett's on the rock. "You're gonna regret this." he smirked. Once, again i settled in a steady calm. Emmett had been really annoying me lately, making sex jokes especially when he knew I was about to see Charlie. "I win and you're not allowed to say a word about my sex life to anyone, not even Rose." I said partly hoping he would back out to give me an easy win "I win." he grinned wickedly "its gonna get a lot worse." I remembered the family gathering next week and  winced,not in from of Charlie and Renee! 

"3. 2. 1." Alice was clearly trying to build suspense "go!" Immediately I felt a burst of force flow through my arm as Emmett pushed against my unmoving hand. I wondered idly if a truck going 50 miles an hour would have the same force, 60? probably more. After a minute though, I was bored. "Not a word." I growled and smashed his arm through the rock. The others laughed, and I was suddenly on a strange high, I was stronger than the strongest vampire I'd ever met! I laughed with them and waved Jasper forward. He laughed and got into position. "Ok so rules are, jasper," Alice looked at him pointedly "you are not allowed to use your gift" He raised his eyebrows at her and she smirked "3. 2. 1.... go!" Once again I felt the crazy force and decided to go for an unexpected attack. I pushed his arm through the rock like I had Emmett's, once again everyone laughed.

"My turn" Edward called. Hmm should I go easy on him? No way. "This should be interesting." he mumbled "I've never done it where I haven't been able to read the other persons mind." Everyone edged forward. No pressure then. "3.  2.  1.       go!!!" Alice trilled. I let Edward sweat (figuratively) for a bit then realised that I shouldn't push my luck, and smashed his arm through the boulder. He hissed playfully and I laughed. The others joined in, but I was preoccupied by how strong i was. I started crushing the rock in front of me. It was a powerful feeling, i reached out and grabbed the rock, crushing my fingers into the stone, i was amazed by the weird lump now in my palm. 

"Do i get a turn?" called a husky voice from behind me. Jacob? No way! I whirled round to see him smiling "Yes!" I laughed this time I called the shots, i knew Jacob wasn't keen on Alice "3. 2. 1. go!" I laughed again as his feeble strength pushed against my hand, it felt like holding a brick compared to the others I laughed again, I don't think I've ever laughed so much, and smashed his arm through the rock like Emmett's. 


The next two weeks consisted of hunting (as a newborn i had to hunt more than the others), wedding planning, and planning how we were going to tell Charlie and Renee and the rest of my family.  We'd decided to have a picnic at the baseball field the others normally play at (Edward is still trying to convince me to play with them, but I prefer to referee with Esme, surprisingly.) We were setting up when Rosalie tapped me on the shoulder. "Could I talk to you later?" She asked, she looked embarrassed "Sure, Rosalie." I replied. I wasn't sure what she'd want to talk to me about. I was putting up bunting (Alice's idea) when i heard Edward call me " They're nearly here, love, are you ready?"  I nodded, i wasn't sure if my voice would break due to the overwhelming amount of nerves i suddenly felt. Alice had built a trail with fairy light through the forest so no one would get lost, i could hear Renee gasp at how pretty it was, i had to give it to her, Alice had vision.

Edward put his arm around my waist as they filed through into the clearing "Hi Mom!"  i called, when she spotted me she ran and gave me a hug. Ouch. Wasn't expect that, Edward squeezed me tighter, he must have noticed the sudden tension in my body. "Hey Phil." I said and smiled at him - we don't tend to hug- "Hi dad." I said and hugged Charlie awkwardly. "Come meet everyone." i said to them "This is Edward." I said looking into his eyes. I saw my mom smile "Haven't i heard a lot about you dear." She said and hugged him, Phil just smiled along with Charlie. Me and Edward introduced them to everyone else, Renee especially loved Esme and Alice, and Phil got on well with Emmett, they were talking about baseball for a while. Charlie spoke to Carlisle about work, and Me, Edward, Jasper, and Rosalie talked quietly about wedding plans. Eventually, I looked at Edward and nodded. It was time. We both got up and called for everyone's attention. "We would like to tell you something." I stated entwining my fingers with Edwards. "Recently, we took a trip to Brazil for a couple of days. And... We're getting married!"I saw Renee gasp and she burst into applause and ran over and hugged me. Charlie raised his Eyebrows but he could see how happy i was so didn't say anything, i would expect a lecture later.

Phil patted me and Edward on the back. The conversation dissolved into wedding plans, we were deciding when to have it. We couldn't have it outside in the summer of course, but everyone knew how much I hate Winter. So we were thinking possibly October, during Fall. The men were planning their Bachelor party and we were planing the hen party. Of course Alice wanted to go shopping but I shot here a look so that idea was forgotten quickly. Renee and Esme decided on a girls trip in Atlanta with our friends in Denali.

After about 2 hours Renee and Phil went back to their hotel and Charlie went home. It was around 7:00 pm and all the colours were richer, it was so pretty, Alice cleared her throat "Bella, Edward, we have a surprise for you!" she said, practically jumping up and down. I looked at Edward and he just shrugged "Come on!!" she called and ran into the forest..

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