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Today we were in the baseball clearing, Jasper was showing us how to take on a newborn attack. I sat with Edward and Alice, watching. Emmett was up first, I had to admit, it was quite entertaining when I wasn't thinking about why they were doing it. After, Jasper waved Edward forward, it was hard to watch, I had to look away after a few minutes. Then I heard them laugh and Jasper waved me forward, I heard Edward growl but I ignored him. I positioned myself in front of Jasper, and readied myself. Then just as he was about to spring at me, I jumped and flipped, then I grabbed his hands from around his back and pinned them together. I heard him gasp, "If you were a newborn I would have snapped your head off, but obviously your not so dont spring at me because if this were a real fight you would be dead." I saw Edward smirk. 

"Edward, you against Bella." Jasper said "No." Edward growled "No way." I agreed "Jasper!" Esme accused. "Fine. Alice?" He called her forward. "If your trying to prove a point its not going to work." Edward growled. Jasper shrugged and walked towards Alice. Clearly Edward hadn't liked what he was thinking as he launched himself at him. This wasn't a play fight, that was for sure. Suddenly, I saw an arm fly threw the air "If you think that one more time, it'll be both arms." Edward growled "Bella we're going." He said flatly, I looked at the others apologetically. "Edward." Carlisle said, disgusted "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HE WAS THINKING!" Edward roared. I grabbed his arm "Edward," I whispered "Calm down. We're okay." I looked into his eyes "Give Jasper his arm back, and apologize." "NO! BELLA HE THOUGHT ABOUT KILLING YOU!" Everyone gasped, including Alice. "Jasper!" She said, clearly appalled. "It was an offhand thought." Jasper defended himself "I know what thoughts are offhand and which have meaning behind them." Edward growled, "Even if it was offhand, it was still disgraceful." Rosalie interjected "Jasper." Alice whispered. She looked really upset. 

Everyone was standing around me now, Edward had his arm against my waist. "Everyone here is feeling angry." Jasper stated, "Everyone but Bella." Everyone looked at me then, I took a step forward "I'm just confused, and curious." I explained, I saw Edward roll his eyes "Why would you think that? I didn't do anything." I was completely lost. "But he did." Jasper replied pointing at Edward. Then so quickly I didn't even notice, he lunged for me. I screamed as I felt my hand rip from my arm. "If I killed you. Victoria wouldn't put the one I love in danger. If I kill you Edward would stop freaking out." He started toward me, but I didn't do anything, my wrist felt like it was on fire! And then he was on the ground. "I SAID DONT THINK IT AGAIN!" Edward roared and tore Jaspers other arm off. "ARG!!" Jasper screamed. "DONT TRY AND CALM ME DOWN!!! YOU WANTED TO KILL BELLA!!" Edward screamed. "STOP!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me, "Please," I continued. "this is only going to end badly, worse then it already has. Me and Edward will go home. Jasper can take some time -as long as he needs- to calm down. And if its possible we'll try again tomorrow. We'll have to set some rules, but we need to prepare. Victoria will come whether we're ready or not. And if we're not we'll only lose each other. Now can someone tell me how to put my hand back?" Emmett laughed and answered "Lick it and then attach it to you your arm." He smiled.

As me and Edward walked home I held his hand, and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm here." He looked down at me and kissed me, "Bella-" I cut him of straight away "Its fine," I told him "No its not. I should've protected you." "Shh. You did, on so many occasions: Tyler's truck, Port Angeles, James, Victoria, and Jasper. Do you want me to list all the other times as well? When I fainted in biology, my birthday last year,  the countless times I've slipped." He almost smiled at that. "See? You have protected me, and you do protect me. Now its my turn to protect you. From yourself." He sighed "I love you." I whispered "You have my heart, it will forever be yours." He whispered back. We were at the house now, "Go play piano." I told him "You need to relax." "No." He replied "I want to watch a film with you." "Romeo and Juliet?" I asked, he laughed "Of course." He put the disc and and we layed on the couch, he had his arms around me and was kissing my hair "If you want me to cry I need to concentrate." I told him, he started whispering Romeos lines in my ear.


There was a knock at the door after an hour, Edward hissed, i turned around and looked into his eyes "Calm." I pleaded, and got up to answer the door. I was nervous of course, what happened this afternoon had really shaken me up. Not that i would tell Edward. "Hi Bella!" it was Jess "Oh hi Jess. Come in." I led her through the living room and turned to Edward "Keep watching I've seen it a hundred times." I smiled at him and led Jess through to the library. "I'm really sorry about the other day." She told me "I dont know what came over me. I guess i was just annoyed that the only reason Mike asked me to prom was because Edward was back and he knew he didnt have a chance with you. If the offer is still going I'd love to be a bridesmaid at your wedding." she smiled and i quickly thought it through, if i had four bridesmaids then Edward would haveto have four groomsmen. So Emmett, Jasper, Nando and Jacob. that would work realy well if Edward agreed. I thought this all through so quickly that Jess didnt notice my pause. "Sure Jess." "Thank you Bella!" She hugged me just as there was another knock at the door. "Edward dont!" I shouted then i turned back to Jess "There's been a bit of an argument between Edward and Jasper, i think that might be him now." "I'll go then." Jess said i followed her through and then opened the door "Bye Jess!" "Oh hi Alice, how's Jasper?" 

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