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I stood there for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do. I was so anxious, what if Edward... I couldn't  even think it. But I knew I couldn't help him, what was I? An easily dispatched newborn. Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. "Edward." I breathed I pulled him against me. "What happened?" I asked after a few moments. "Victoria, she wants you...dead." He shivered, "That wont happen, I promise. She's been trying to get to you." I gasped then. "Edward she was here! Last night!" I shuddered, poor Angela. "I know. I had to put a lot of trust in Alice. We knew she would come, I would've told you but I knew it would freak you out." I was about to cut in but he put a finger on my lips. "If I'd stayed, if any of us had come, it would've meant a fight right there. We would've won but.. nine vampires one human and, you..." He trailed of, I hugged him again. I knew that would've been hard, since he would've seen Alice's vision. I felt him kissing my hair. "You have no idea how hard that was." He whispered. "Its okay, I'm here." I reminded him. "I know." He replied. We stood there for a few minutes. I knew he needed me, so I didn't move. "Alice is back, we need to see the others." He eventually announced, I looked him in the eye "Are you okay?" I asked, he just shook his head, "I'm here." I repeated "Nothings going to happen. If she comes again, Alice will see, and we'll be ready." He nodded and grabbed my hand.  

When we got back Alice gave me the biggest hug, I hugged her back. It would've been hard on her as well. Esme followed, along with the others - even Jasper - "She's fine." Edward told Esme, answering her thoughts. "I know why." I told them, they all looked at me "In the meadow, before Luarant bit me, he told me that Victoria wouldn't be happy about, you know. She said since Edward killed James - which technically he didn't it was Jasper, Emmett and Alice - she must kill me. An eye for an eye he called it. " I turned to Edward "She wants you to feel the same pain she felt when James was killed." I explained. He pulled me against him. 

Carlisle turned the news on then. "Seattle terrorised by killings." Announced the reporter "There are no suspects. The corpses have not been hidden, if you have any information please contact 911 immediately." "Its getting worse." Carlisle said, grimacing. "Its newborns. They're uncontrolled, thirsty, and uninformed." Jasper replied. "Of course." Edward realised.  "Bella?" Esme asked "Yes?" "Doesn't your friend Fernando live in Seattle? He might know something?" She explained. Just that second Nando called me "One sec." I told them. "Hi Nando! How are you?" I asked "I'm great Bella. Have you seen the news?" "Yeah. Do you know anything?" "I think its newborns. Around your age." "I'm not like them." I replied "I know, honey. Do you think you and your fiancé could meet me in Port Angeles?" He asked "Sure." I answered "What time?" "As soon as you can." "I'm free today?" I offered "Perfect. How long will it take you to get here?" "Twenty minutes roughly." I told him looking at Edward, he nodded. "See you soon then." He replied "see you Nando." He laughed and the line cut off. "Your friends a vampire?" Emmett asked, and then burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and left with Edward.

"Okay dont get mad. But I kind of already bought you a car." Edward told me. I raised my eyebrows and he beckoned me forward. It was an old Lincoln continental, "Inconspicuous." I noted he laughed. "Do you like it?" He asked, "I love it!" I gasped, and I did. It was beautiful. He threw me the keys, "Wow, your letting me drive." I laughed, he rolled his eyes and got in the passenger seat. 


"Hey Nando!" I called when I saw him, "Hi Bella!" He called back, I hugged him. "This is Edward, my fiancé." I told him. "Hey Edward." Nando greeted him "You got him while you were still human?" He asked me I laughed. "Hi Fernando." Edward said, "Call me Nandos." Nando reassured him. "Edward..." I asked, he looked at me "Do you think we could go to that restaurant?" I asked "We dont eat or drink Bella." He reminded me "I would drink a whole coke just to see that waitresses face." He laughed, "come on then." Nando looked confused, "I'll explain later." I told him.

It was a different waitress, but she looked at Edward the same way the others did, and sighed when she saw we were holding hands. "How can I help you?" She asked, "We'd like one of the private booths." Edward asked, and snuck her a tip. She smiled and led the way. It was the same one we'd sat in just over a year ago. I looked at Edward and raised my eye brows, I could tell he was trying not to laugh. As we sat down another waitress came up to us, it was the same one! "Hello my name is Amber, I'll be your sever tonight." She said automatically then gasped as she saw Edward, but sighed when she saw the ring on my finger "Congratulations." She told us, though I could tell she was far  from happy. Did she think she still had a chance?! I had to stop myself from laughing, and by the looks of it Edward did too. "What can I get you to drink?" She asked "I'll just have a coke." I told her she nodded "Mushroom ravioli?" She was clearly trying to impress Edward, "Actually we just came here for drinks." Edward cut in, she looked sad as she walked away. As soon as she was out of ear shot, me and Edward burst out laughing.

"Spill." Nando told me. I explained what happened in Port Angeles last year, and soon he was laughing too. "Your coke?" Amber placed it on the table and walked away without another word. "So." Fernando started. "Is it just you, your fiancé and the others vampires I met in your coven?" He asked "No there's eight of us in total. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper and then me and Edward." He seemed shocked at this "How do you live in peace?" He asked curiously "We are more of a family, are relationships are based on love instead of thirst for blood." "Ah." He breathed "Are any of you gifted?" He continued "I can read minds, Alice can see the future based on decisions, and Jasper can manipulate emotions. Though, I've never been able to read Bella's mind. I doubt Aro could either, or Jane or Alec's powers. I think she's safe in her own mind. We dont know though." Edward explained "She's a shield!" Nando gasped. Edward just looked at me in wonder.

"A shield?" I asked, all I could think of was a ridiculous suit of armour. "Its a defensive talent." Nando explained. "The ones I've met are so different." Edward wondered, he looked at me in amazement. "Does Aro know about her?" Nando asked "No." Edward answered. "That brings us to the newborns." Fernando announced. "Do you know anything?" "No, but we think its a newborn army." Edward told him. "But we dont know why they've been created. My brother Jasper has experience with newborns. He led an army with someone called Maria in the south. He's changed now." Edward reassured him quickly. Nando just nodded. "The south?" I asked curiously "Jasper's from Texas." Edward told me.

Suddenly I had an idea. "Weren't you tracking Victoria?" "Yes, why?" "Where did you track her?" I pressed "Texas then Brazil, I wasn't even on the right continent!" "but you were!" I gasped as I connected the dots. They both looked at me confused. "If newborn armies are common in the South, and that's where Victoria was. We're the only clan even close to Seattle. Victoria's created an army to destroy me!" Edward froze with stress. 

"Wait." Fernando said "Whose Victoria?" Edward was still frozen so I explained what happened in Phoenix last year. "We have to go home, now." Edward suddenly blurted out and grabbed my arm. "Its fine Edward. I'll be alright, dont worry. Now we know we'll be prepared." He didn't let me go. "Fernando would you mind staying with us for a bit?" I asked. "If you think I would just let you go home without me your sincerely wrong." He practically growled. "You can stay with me and Edward. Lets go!" We left some money on the table and speed walked out.

"I'm driving." Edward told me as we approached the car. I handed him the keys wordlessly and got in the passenger seat. Fernando sat in the back, none of us wore seatbelts...

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