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The phone rang again as we were packing. "Esme!" I called. Charlie was aware the Cullen's' were back and that I was with them. "Bella.." Edward said, disapproval strong in his voice "Bella you have to make a choice. I'm sorry it has to be this way. But it would be easier if we treated this like any other vampire case." I knew what he meant but surely there was some way... I had three options, 1) just leave without anything and have a massive search party for me 2) say I died and have my friends and family cry over me while I lay still or 3) which is my idea, to stay and keep Charlie in my life, or at least say I'm alive and happy but cant stay. Unfortunately, none of the Cullen's' think it will be possible for me to see Charlie, apart from Alice. She sees that it will be fine but Edward is holding a grudge against her at the moment, one I've tried to talk him out of. He says she could have seen what him leaving would do to me, or when I decided to go to the meadow.  I told him its not Alice's fault but sometimes he can be just as stubborn as me. 

"I'm not laying down whilst my family and friends cry over my body." he knew I wouldn't. And he knew he couldn't persuade me. I dont know why we were still having this conversation. 

"Bella.." I thought my look silenced him, but then he growled. I looked behind me to see Jacob on the lawn arguing with Rosalie (who seemed to like me now I wasn't human) "Jake!!" I shouted - the sound of my bell like voice still shocked me - I ran out and the speed made Jacob jump, I hugged him fiercely and apologised, when I realised he smelt really bad - like a wet dog. "You need to buy deodorant." I laughed. 

"Umm Bella." He started "there's something you need to know, something I need to show you." I was sceptic and nervous at first, but then remembered that if I wanted to control my temper it was best to start of calm. And then, poof, just like that he was a reddish brown wolf. Like one of the ones I had seen in the meadow. "Woah" I whispered. I had to admit, it was pretty cool that my best friend was a wolf.  Unthinkingly, I pulled my finger through the pretty fur on the wolfs back. The texture amazed me, it was a mix between, rough and soft. Clearly, I hadn't noticed close I was, because the gigantic creature licked my face. "Ew! Grose Jake!" I laughed and he coughed out what sounded like a laugh as well. I hadn't noticed the Cullen's staring at us, a mixture of confused and amazed expressions on their faces. I laughed again "What?" Edward shuffled uncomfortably. "Bella, these wolves are our mortal enemies. I'm sorry but you cant be friends with Jacob any longer." I worked it out pretty quickly, and started laughing, loudly, "Edward! Don't tell me you're jealous!" The concept was hilarious. But I looked around and saw the rest of my family staring at Jacob with disgusted expressions "What? No! You might be enemies with his species but I dont have anything against what he is. You wont budge me on this Edward. He's helped me through too much for me to just turn my back on him now."

I turned to get Jacob to back me up, (he'd walked off to phase back to a human) but there was a sad expression on his face. "No." I growled. And then in a more softer tone "I need to clear my head." And just like that I sprinted off. I heard Edward call my name but I wasn't in the mood. The colours of the forest were beautiful. I'd never noticed before. Then I realised where I had to go. 

It didn't take me long to get to Charlies house. I knocked on the door lightly. "Bella!" he exclaimed. "Dad!" I hadn't realised how much I missed him "Let me explain." I told him that I would stay but I couldn't go to school or work, I explained that I went to the forest and "changed" but that it was need to know only, he accepted that. I said I had to go, and when he asked me where I told him that I was going to have to live with the Cullen's now, his face fell but I told him to call me if he needed me to cook. He smiled at that. He was still smiling when I left. Good. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I'd upset him. And then I went home to see Edward...

"Bella, love. Are you ok? I know its hard when stuff like this happens. Here." He pulled me onto the sofa and into his arms. "What?" I asked. I was so confused. What had he thought had happened? Was he talking about Jacob? "You do know I went see Charlie right?" I thought he would be mad at me. "It wasn't you love, it was your thirst, your instincts. If I'd have known I promise I would have stopped you, but Alice couldn't see until after Jacob had left..." Wait. Did he think I'd killed  Charlie? Surely not! He knew I would never do that "I didn't kill Charlie!!" I shouted and jumped up. "What?! How?!" He looked genuinely confused. Clearly, I had to set the record straight. "How?! He's my dad Edward! You know I would never... Anyway, I just told him that I was living with you guys and that I had changed and that it was need to know only. Oh and that if he needed me to cook just to call me, but I guess that's not necessary..." I trailed of when I saw Alice's devastated expression... 

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