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"I'm calling Edward." I announced "Why?" Rosalie laughed "Do you need to check his eye colour?!" They were all laughing again "No." I answered "I want his opinion. Its his wedding too." I dialed his number. "Hey." I said "How's dress shopping going? Are you there yet?" He asked "Err not quite i need to ask you something." I told him "Go ahead." It was like I could see him smiling "What colour do you want for the wedding?" I asked "Err... what do you want?" he replied Rosalie cut in then "She wants gold!" she said and burst out laughing "Hey! there is nothing wrong with wanting his eye colour for the colour scheme!" I retorted, but I was laughing as well, I could hear Edward chuckling through the phone "Remember when we went hiking last year? When I showed you what I looked like in the sun for the first time?" He asked "Of course!" I replied "Well, what if the theme was blue? And we had wild flowers like the ones in the meadow?" He was a genius! "Oh my god yes! Thank you!" I cheered "Anytime." he said "I have to go, I love you." "I love you too." He replied.

"I've got the colour!" I shouted They all looked at me expectantly "Blue! Like a deep blue, and we'll have wild flowers..." I trailed off and looked at Alice "I know exactly what you want!" she told me. We were outside the shop now. "Okay, so we're going to get Bella's dress first, and then we're going to a different shop to get the bridesmaid dresses." She explained. We went inside and asked if we could speak to someone. "Fernando!?" I gasped. "Oh my god! How are you?" "Your gay best friend is doing fine thank you how are you?" "I'm amazing! Mum its Nandos!" "No way! Oh I've missed you!" Renee said. "Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Angela meet Fernando, he was my best friend In Phoenix!" "Best friend?" Fernando asked raising his eyebrows at me "More like only friend." We laughed "Okay fine!" I admitted. 

"So how can I help you?" He asked "You work here?" I asked in disbelief. "Err yes! I told you I would become a designer. I'm going to New York next week!" "No way!" I hugged him. "So? What can I do?" "Fernando you'll never guess what! I'm getting married!" I told him gleefully "Honey, no way! Tell me everything!" I told him everything as he asked, the others corrected me on a few things, he laughed when I told him about gym. "So... what dress do you want?" He asked. "The wedding is in October, and the theme is blue and wild flowers if you know what I mean?" "Say no more honey, I got you." He pulled out a dress and even on the hanger I could tell it was perfect.

I gasped "Nando!" "I know honey, I know." I tried it on and I loved it. It was high neck, but wasn't itchy, it had long sleeves with flowers but didn't look like a grandma nightgown and it wasn't too long, so I wouldn't fall over. I was about to leave the changing room when Fernando grabbed my arm. "Bella." He said "I know what you are." I looked at him questionably and then I saw his eyes. They were a dull gold. "Your a..." my sentence trailed of "yeah. five years now. Its why I left Phoenix. Is your fiancé one as well?" He asked "Yeah. So are Alice, Rosalie and Esme. The others dont know though." He nodded.

"So, do you like it?" He asked in a lighter tone "Nando I love it! Its perfect!" I replied. He looked at me meaningfully and then we left the room to see the others. I nodded at Alice, Esme and Rosalie, they would've heard. Renee gasped "Isabella." "Oh Bella!" Angela and Alice said together. They all hugged me, Esme whispered "You look beautiful." in my ear.  "Its perfect" Rosalie told me. "I'm so proud of you." Renee said, "I think this is the one." Angela whispered "You wont be my sister when you get married, because you already are." Alice told me. I vampire-cried at that. "I always knew you would make beautiful bride." Fernando said. 

"Can we get bridesmaid dresses here?" I asked him "Well, not normally, but for you of course, follow me." He replied, and led the way through to an office  that was pink and the walls were covered in designs. "Nandos did you draw these?! They're amazing!" I exclaimed "Yeah they're mine." He replied. He searched for a while then he turned to us "I cant find any designs that match your theme, but I've got loads of ideas, if I give you my number, I could contact you when I've finished the designs." "Of course Nando, hey are you free tomorrow?" I asked "Oh, uh they wont be ready by then.." He replied awkwardly "Not for the designs! You can take as much time as you need for them! I want you to meet Edward." "Edward? the fiancé? Oh I'd love to meet him. Am I invited to the wedding?" He added sheepishly "Of course darling!" We both burst out laughing. I side I hugged him "I've missed you Nando." I told him "You too Bella." We sat there for a few moments then he asked "How long?" "Huh?" "How long have you been a vampire?" Oh. "Umm 6 months? I haven't really been counting." "Wait your a newborn? How?! The restraint..." He trailed of. "Its not so bad. I mean I went back to school yesterday. And I want to go back to work soon." "Wow. Is that like, a gift?" He asked "I doubt it. I mean I always knew thirst was part of this life, I guess its just preparation." I shrugged "Preparation? You knew? Tell me everything." So I told him

"Bye Nandos see you tomorrow." I called as we were leaving "Bye Bella!" The drive home was just as comical as the drive here. Maybe funnier.

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