Isle Esme

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We were at the airport and Edward still hadn't told me what was in Brazil. He wasn't dropping any hints apart from "Rio." I glared at him for that. I knew Rio was in Brazil but that wasn't my point. Dont ask me how, but I forgot that Edward was good at everything, and then he spoke fluent, Portuguese? I think it was, anyway, as we drove through Rio, Edward got the taxi driver to stop at a dock. He thanked him and gave him a load of cash (I didn't ask how much) and then got on a yacht that was parked in the bay. It was smaller then the others, but was clearly built for speed instead of space. It was still luxurious though. He helped me on and then started driving the boat in the same direction for a while.

After about an hour, I could see some lights in the distance. I picked up on some scents as well, honeysuckle, roses, the smell of a forest after rain. A few minutes later, Edward stopped the boat at a beach. It was beautiful beyond words. There were wooden planks leading up to a large white and lightwood house. It was gorgeous. I didn't realise my mouth was open until Edward laughed i quickly snapped it shut and looked away. If I could, I would have been blushing like crazy. I was so absorbed by the pure beauty of the island that I didn't notice Edward getting our bags, and coming back. "Welcome to Isle Esme." He whispered in my ear. Isle Esme?! I realised then that Edward's generousness had been a learned trait. "Esme?" I asked innocently, I think he heard the skepticism in my voice because he chuckled and said "It was a gift from Carlisle after the got married." Ah. Then, so quickly that I didn't notice, he scooped me up into his arms. I gasped and looked at him in confusion "Just being thorough" He said, and then picked up the bags and started walking towards to house.

The inside was just as astonishing as the out. I was blown away. It was completely open with a large tv against a wall in the corner facing a pale sofa. The whole back wall was glass  and I could see the rest of the isle. They was a huge waterfall, which looked like it should belong in a fairytale nestled into an exotic rainforest. There was a kitchen on my right which looked moderen and probably easier to cook in then Charlie's and to my left there were three doors. Edward carried me to the middle one. It was a huge bedroom with a white king sized bed and an ensuite, then on the other side there were lightwood doors opening up to the beach. The pale sand glistened in the moonlight. 

Edward set me down and I looked at him, confused, "Vampires dont sleep.." I said he smiled and replied "Its not meant for sleeping." I instantly caught up to his mood, it was like there was nothing else, no beach, no bed, no sea, just Edward. And then he was kissing me. And we carried on into my definition of heaven...


It was eventually light outside, and the burn in my throat was difficult to ignore. I looked at Edward apologetically but he smiled and got up. We got dressed and headed into the forest. I had to admit, panther and leopard were a lot more appealing then elk. After we'd finished, we went swimming in the waterfall. It was so refreshing having to not worry about falling over or drowning for once, I think Edward noticed as well, because he suggested we go hiking, I was about to say no, but something told me there was a reason I needed to say yes. We ended up climbing up the side of the waterfall. Once we got to the top it was sunset (we'd decided to walk instead of run) I looked out into the sea when I heard Edward clear his throat. I turned round to see him down on one knee with a small black box in his hand. "Isabella Marie Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me?" I gasped, and realised that I was 18 and I didn't want to be that girl who gets married straight out of high school, but then I told myself that Edward was what I wanted, what I needed, and I would want him forever. Every moment of it. We're Renee and Charlie, we're Edward and Bella who would do anything for each other. And although I'd been raised to shiver at the thought of marriage, there was nothing I wanted more than to marry Edward. "Yes." I whispered completely taken aback by the overwhelming emotions that consumed me.

Edwards smile was angelic as he got up, he slid the ring onto my finger "It was my mothers" He whispered. And i couldn't hold it in any longer, I threw my arms around his neck and I kissed  him. We continued the night like we had yesterday.


The next few days were just as amazing as the first two. Me and Edward had decided to call Alice to make sure she didn't tell the rest of the family, she said she didn't, so we decided to tell everyone at the same time. And announce it properly. We new Esme would be over the moon, Charlie, we weren't so sure, and well, the rest of the Cullen's' would be happy too. Today me and Edward went swimming with turtles but they kept avoiding us which I found funny but something seemed to be disturbing Edward. He seemed like he was mourning? Eventually, I asked him. "Edward." I said as he put in the disk for Romeo and Juliet "What's wrong? You've seemed really upset today." It was bothering me how he hadn't come to me about it already, we are engaged after all. "I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how." He started, I tried to look encouraging so he would continue, he seemed convinced "I got a call from Carlisle today..."

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