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She smiled at me tentatively, "Hi." I greeted her and led her through to the couch in the living room. "I was worried he wouldn't leave you alone." she explained. "He so rarely does... anyway, I want to apologies for the way I've acted toward you." "Its fine Rosalie, dont worry about it." I replied, at this point I was desperate for her to like me, I am her future sister  in-law after all. "You deserve an explanation though." I smiled at her encouragingly "Do you want to hear my story Bella? It doesn't have a happy ending, but out of all of ours, yours and Edwards is the only one that does." This confused me but I nodded and let her go on "My world was perfect. I was 19 and I was beautiful. My parents were thoroughly middle class. Yet they pretended to be higher up in society, something I only notice now. My beauty was like gift to them, more than I realised." She smiled at me.

"I was vaguely aware that my parents weren't happy with what they had. But I was thrilled to be me, to be Rosalie Hale. There were still things I wanted, a big house with a husband who would kiss me when he came home from work. I wanted to be loved, to be adored. There didn't seem to be any reason why I wouldn't get these things. I was young and shallow, but I was content. Admiration was like air to me, Bella. Men watched me from the year I turned twelve. Of course I still wanted the material things out of life, a big house that someone else would clean, a modern beautiful kitchen that someone else would cook in. But there was one thing that I wanted more than anything, a baby." She looked sad, and I realised she would never get the thing she wanted most. 

"My friend Vera," Rosalie continued "married young, just seventeen. She married a carpenter, someone my parents would never have considered for me, a year later they had an adorable little boy, Henry, he was all smiles and dimples. It was the first time I'd ever felt truly jealous of someone. I remember one day, my mother conveniently forgot so send my Fathers lunch to work with him. I was confused as to why she insisted I rolled my hair up and wore my favourite dress just to go to the bank. My Father worked for the Kings." She spat the word "Royce King owned the bank, and every other really profitable business in town. His son, Royce King the second" Her mouth twisted around the name "was going to take over. I didn't notice him watching me that day. Everyone watched me. That night the first of the roses came. He sent them every night of our courtship, once he said my eyes looked like violets, and then those started showing up along with the roses. It got to the point where I would leave the house smelling like them."

"My parents approved, that's putting it mildly." she laughed without humour "After two months we were engaged. And plans went ahead for the most lavish wedding. When you were a King every door was opened for you, every red carpet laid out. I was at Vera's that night. Henry really was adorable. As I was leaving Vera's husband kissed her on the cheek when he thought I wasn't looking. It didn't seem as sweet when Royce kissed me. But I pushed that thought aside. One day I would have my own fair haired beautiful children, playing on the lawn. I pitied her." She shivered delicately and I realised the nightmare wasn't far of.

"As I was walking home I saw some drunk men. I wished my father had escorted me home but the way was so short... 'Rose!' I heard Royce call me, I didn't realise the men were so well dressed. 'here's me rose' he continued pulling me forward. I'd never seen him drunk before, he said he didn't like champagne I hadn't realised he  preferred something much stronger. 'isn't she better than your Georgia peaches John?' he laughed, 'I cant tell, she's all covered up.' they all laughed then, Royce included. I remember turning to leave, but Royce pulled me towards them 'where do you think you're going?' he asked. He pulled of my jacket then." I think I must have turned paler, because she stopped. 

"I wont make you listen to the rest." She assured me "I got my revenge on them. I saved Royce for last, so he knew it was coming. You know my record is nearly as clean as Carlisle's. Better than Esme's, far better than Edwards." She laughed "I've never tasted human blood. I was careful not to spill it you see, I didn't any of them in me. I was a little theatrical back then, I came to Royce in a wedding gown I'd stolen for the occasion." she smiled to herself. "You're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this. Its why I was so rude to you in the beginning, and I apologise for that, I can be a little protective. You see Bella, I nearly had everything I wanted. Just a week, and Royce would've secured my hand. Well, thank god he didn't I guess. Emmett is the only good thing in this life for me. And my family of course, but Emmett is the only part of the happy ending I ever got. When you came, you put him in danger, unintentionally of course, but if I lost Emmett.." She shivered "I would go to Italy. And then James, Emmett likes a fight, as I'm sure you've worked out, so he put himself  in danger then." She shuddered again.

"And then you were human. It was easy for me not to be jealous of people at school, of course I partly was, but not completely. But then you came, you had Edward -of course you still do-" she added "But I knew he would try and give you the life I dream of having. And I was jealous. Then you wanted to be one of us, and if I'm honest I couldn't bear it. You were going to give up everything I wanted, just, for what? I still cant understand.." She trailed of, so I figured I'd better explain why I've always wanted this life.

"I'll never want anything more than Edward." I started "I've never wanted a family, and older brother would've been nice. But I've never wanted children. That might sound bizarre to you, but I've spent most of my life looking after Renee, and that was tiring enough, I couldn't imagine a child!" I shuddered 

"Hmm..." Was Rosalie's reply. She must've sensed, like me that Edward was nearly home. 

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