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"Olivia is a very powerful vampire." Edward started "She has the most powerful talent of all. She's a block, this means that any power used against her she can reflect back. Aro is desperate for her, but she hates the Volturi, more than anyone." "Impossible." I muttered, Edward ignored me "A long time ago, during the plague of immortal children, she lived in a village, with her siblings, Jane and Alec." I growled "Easy Bella." I heard Rosalie tell me, Edward continued "They were all human, her, her mum, her dad, and Jane and Alec. Until one night a certain vampire came, he killed her father and bit her mother. She was ten, Alec was nine and Jane was seven. The vampire, William, saw potential in Jane, and when their Mom was out, he bit her." "How didn't their Mom kill them?" Carlisle asked "Lara loved her children very much. When she came home she was horrified. Jane was an immortal child, however she had a talent, she could age humans and vampires. She made Jane fifteen, but William wasn't happy, he changed Alec the same night, Lara made him seventeen. But Olivia was an amazing older sister, so she made her nineteen. The Volturi found out, but Aro was so fascinated by Jane and Alec he didn't pay attention to the fact Olivia was human and knew everything. Years later Olivia was changed by, Victoria." I hissed, and felt Edward hold my hand under the table. 

"She stayed with her for a while, until Victoria found James," I growled, Edward squeezed my hand, "Years before this, Lara signed a contract to keep Jane alive, but it meant Jane had to stay with the Volturi, Alec followed to keep Jane safe. This broke Olivia's heart as her and Alec were really close growing up. So after she left Victoria she tried to find Alec a way out. But she became really close to Marcus. Who only stayed with the Volturi because he had no where else to go. Aro killed the love of his life, and he had no meaning after." "So that's why he.." I trailed off "Yes. Well anyway, Olivia became really close to Marcus, he was the only father figure she'd had since she was ten." "What's this got to do with Alice?" Jasper asked "Olivia and Alice lived together for about fifty years before Alice found you." "Oh." "Well, Olivia decided to go to the Volturi to confront Aro. But Alice saw... well I'm sure you can guess." 

Me and Edward were upstairs trying to spend some time together whilst the others tried to stop Jasper trying to find Alice. "Great honeymoon." I commented, Edward laughed "It has been quite eventful." He replied, ruffling my hair "I love you." I murmured "As I love you." He murmured back, "What are we gonna do?" I sighed getting up. "We get married, my best friend tries to kill us, we go on a honeymoon, you nearly get kidnapped, our family turns up, and our sister goes to save her best friend. Our we seriously going to get to do anything together without being nearly killed?" He laughed. "You know, I was on the phone earlier and..." I looked at him "I found out that you were one of the best students in your school in Phoenix." "No I wasn't." "Really? Miss Ralf doesn't think so." "You spoke to Miss Ralf!?" He nodded "Aw she was my favourite." "I also found this picture." Oh no. That was the school photo, I was wearing a pink dress and my hair was in a tight ponytail. "Tell Alice and I swear." I threatened "You looked good, why dont you wear dresses anymore?" "Do I not look good now?" "Of course. I was just curious." "There was this girl, Ruby, she, well lets just say she didn't like me. I haven't worn dresses since."

Edward pulled me onto the couch with him and put his arms around me, "It was a long time ago, it doesn't  matter.", despite me reassuring him, I could still feel his lips on my hair, "Alice wont make  you wear a dress or anything like that again I promise." "Seriously its fine." But I was grateful, Ruby really had knocked my confidence, even if it was all those years ago...

"Alice is back." Edward told me after a few hours. "Okay." I said getting up "Dont show her that photo." I warned him "I would never." He promised, kissing my forehead and taking my hand, "Is Olivia here too?" I asked "I dont know, I cant hear her." He told me "Oh." I started laughing "What?" He questioned "That must really annoy you!" He poked his tongue out at me. "Hey Guys!" Alice called "I want you to meet Olivia, I lived with her for a few years." "Fifty is more than a few Alice." Edward told her she laughed "Carlisle! Its nice to finally meet you! And Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Bella! My match, almost." Olivia laughed, "Wait, how do you know all our names?" Emmett asked "Emmett!" Alice laughed "How did I know all your names?" "Oh, oh yeah." he laughed and punched her shoulder, Jasper ran over and kissed her and I heard Olivia squeal, he pulled away immediately "Sorry." She apologised "Its just I watched Alice wait for you for fifty years, its nice to see you two together. Bella! Can I talk to you please?" "Err sure." I replied, we went outside into the trees, "Can you project?" She asked excitedly "Umm, I did today, but that was because Edward was in danger, it was probably just adrenaline." "Jane." She rolled her eyes "Sorry about her, Alec is less, sadistic about it, in fact, we found a human dying once, we didn't have the strength to change them, so Alec cut off their senses so they couldn't feel the pain. He's a good person really." She shrugged

"Your probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you. Well your the only other mental shield I've ever met. Now I know you probably dont like me because of my siblings but I've spent years enhancing my power, and I wondered if you wanted to do the same, I would coach you?" Alice came out then "Carlisle wants to talk to you." She told Olivia "Sure." She gave me a meaningful look and went inside. "Alice? Can I talk to you?" I asked "Sure Bella what's up?" "years ago I was obsessed with wearing dresses, but there was a girl, Ruby, and she called me fat and told me I looked horrible, I haven't worn dresses since. But Edward found a picture of me in one and he said I looked really good so.." "Bella, are you asking to go shopping?" I nodded, she squealed and hugged me. "Lets go!" She shouted "Shh, I want to surprise Edward, control your thoughts." "Yes ma'am." We went inside and said goodbye, I kissed Edward on the forehead and waved, he looked confused but I shrugged so he knew it was okay.

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