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"I'm only going to put a bit of makeup on you." Alice told me, "Do you want to wear contacts?" I glared at her "I'll take that as a no. Rosalie! Can you help me with Bella's hair?!" She called, after hours of hair and makeup, it was finally time to put on the dress, and once again I was taken away by its beauty.

 Alice put it on me and wrapped a sapphire blue ribbon, that matched the bridesmaid dresses, around my waist. "I'm going to get ready." She told me and ran out. A few minutes later. her, Angela, Jess, and Rosalie came in. I gasped, they all looked gorgeous, Renee and Charlie came in then. "Bella." She breathed, "You look beautiful!" "Thanks Mom, so do you. Dont cry!" I nearly shouted, Alice laughed "We got a gift for you." Charlie told me, he opened a black box, inside was a beautiful hair clip, with sapphire gem stones inside it. "It was Grandma Swans." He continued "We thought you'd need something old, and blue." "Thanks Dad!" I said, I ran (at human pace) toward him then hugged him and then I hugged Renee. "Thanks Mom." "Its time! Renee out." Alice ordered "Yes ma'am." Renee replied and went down stairs. "Okay Angela, then Jess, then me then Rosalie. We're doing this in height order."   We walked downstairs, Jasper was playing the piano, when I got to the bottom, he started playing my lullaby. I started vampire-crying.

"Dont you dare." Alice whispered "Sorry Alice." I whispered back, I heard Rosalie laugh. The exchange was too low for the others to hear. As we were turning the corner I started searching for Edward, I saw him and gasped, he looked so handsome! It took all my will power not to sprint down the isle for him "If you do I will kill you myself." Alice whispered, much too low for anyone but me and Rosalie to hear. She must've seen my 'plans' "Sorry." I whispered back. Rosalie tried not to laugh. 

Finally, we got to Edward, I saw Jacob standing there, the best man. "Thank you." I murmured, he and Edward nodded. I looked Edward in the eyes, and smiled. His answering smile was pure joy. I dont think I'd ever seen him so happy. We said our vows, though we'd replaced 'until death do us part' to 'as long as we both shall live' "I do." He said "I do." I said. "You may kiss the bride." Edward bent his head down and kissed me gently, after a few seconds, everyone clapped and cheered, he pulled away, I frowned and I quickly pecked him on the lips. He laughed and pulled me against him and turned round. Everyone cheered again. The ceremony flowed smoothly into the reception. I was sure the food was really nice, but of course I didn't eat it. I was talking to Alice when a familiar waitress came over. "You didn't!" I accused Edward, under my breathe. It was Amber! She gave me a coke and walked off. I burst out laughing and so did Edward "I cant believe you!" "I had to make a point, you should hear her thoughts." "They're pretty obvious on her face." 

Then Charlie clinked his glass and stood up "Now I'm not good at speeches, or anything that involves attention, but I know Bella. And I know she'll be happy with Edward, I know this because I'm a cop, and I know things. Like how to a hunt a man to the ends of the earth if he hurts my daughter." Everyone laughed. Alice was next "Edward, you have been the most amazing brother. A bit annoying sometimes but, I'm so lucky. I want to take this moment to thank you, for accepting me, and all my weirdness. And Bella, your not just my sister-in-law now but your my best friend, and you have been for a long time now. And I'm so proud of you, just look what you were planning to pack for your hen party!  I wish you both all the best." Carlisle stood up after Alice "I want to thank Edward, I was lonely for a long time, and Edward accepted me as his father. When I had no one else, after I found Esme I was worried you were missing something, someone, but then you found Bella, and I've never seen you so happy. And Bella, I want to thank you, for being there for Edward." Edward stood up then, he was vampire-crying, I held his hand, and he looked down and smiled "As Carlisle said, I've been lonely, for what feels like a very long time. I've been struggling with accepting myself, and with Bella I feel like I can finally start. Bella," He said looking down into my eyes "No measure of time with you will be long enough, but lets start with forever." I started vampire-crying "A toast to my beautiful bride!" He announced, and actually swallowed a gulp of his drink.

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