1 - Justice

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3rd Person POV

The crime rate had dropped ever since he had appeared. The heroes and villains were left in shock. How could this man possibly do so much in just a few months? 

They were mistaken. 

This man was not a man.

He was just a teen; Izuku Midoriya.

2 Years Ago

Izuku walked into his house. Ever since he was confirmed quirkless Kacchan had started bullying him, his dad drove himself to insanity and then suicide and his mom gave up on him and his dreams to become a hero. Of course she still cared about him, but their relationship had only weakened over the years.

He walked inside. 

"Hello Izuku." His mom greeted.

"Hi mom."


"I'm making dinner, I'll call you when its ready."

"ok." He responded.

He walked upstairs. The awkwardness from speaking to his mom still lingering in the air.

He began to think about Kacchan and what he said about being a hero. If no one could believe that a quirkless child could become a hero, he stood no chance. 

The system was a so messed up. 

He wanted to be a hero so bad but he knew he didn't stand a chance.

There was hope though. He had recently found out about vigilantes online.


Definition: A person who undertakes law enforcement in their community without legal authority.

That's when he realized he wanted to be a vigilante. Heroes didn't do their jobs as efficently as they should. There were so many crimes they were missing. He would be the one to tie up all the loose ends.

There were also some heroes who only became heroes for fame and money. There were some heroes who did very unheroic things. (Endevwhore)

He would help people even if the law doesn't allow it.

Every day for the next year, he trained. He became stronger, faster and better. He then went on his first patrol. At first he was only famous among small communities, but when he stopped the League Of Villains from sneaking into UA highschool, he gained fame.

He never used a quirk against the villains and he never killed them, so he wasn't going agenst the law. He had found the loopwhole in the system and he took advantage of it.

Even if he got caught, the police would only be able to give him a small sentence.

Nobody knew who he was. Witnesses say he wore a green bunny hoodie, and so he was named;

The Green Bunny. The Vigilante of Justice.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Please feel free to give any feedback!


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