12- Nothing Could Go Wrong

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Aizawa POV

After waking up in hospital, I thought alot about Green Bunny. I think maybe Nezu is right. He was short and seemed to be using a voice changer.

I was extremely grateful to him, but he still needed to be caught. He was still using his quirk without a license and was breaking the law. He couldn't hide forever. We had now memorized his patrol table. He was going to be in Hosu at 1:00. 

After his shift ends, we'll corner him near the station. Easy.

Nothing could go wrong.

Time Skip

What happened? Its been an hour and Green Bunny has still not arrived. Did something happen to him? He was hurt the last time I saw him.

"He might have been warned already." Kamui Woods states.

"But no one else knew about this. Just us." I say. "I don't think anyone here would have told him."

We didn't think he would turn up so we left. Maybe we could try again tomorrow.

3rd person POV

LOV Headquarters

"He wasn't patrolling today. We can assume that he was injured during our attack." Spinner said.

"Good... That means he's week. We can get rid of him faster. Only problem is, we don't know where he lives, or even who he is." Says Shigaraki.

"Actually. I think I might know where he lives." Dabi says. "There's an abandoned house that used to belong to the Midoriyas. I saw him enter it a few hours ago. I think thats where he lives. We can ambush him tomorrow."

Shigaraki nods.

"Well I hope he's ready because we're not going to hold back...

Nothing can go wrong..."

Police station

"We can ambush him tomorrow." One of the police officers say.

"We saw him enter the abandoned Midoriya house. We've been watching it for some time and he hasn't come out yet. It's safe to say that he's been injured and will be unable to put up a fight."

"Good. Well finally be able to catch him..." Tsukauchi says in relief.

...Nothing can go wrong..."


Thanks for reading!


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