4- What did he look like?

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The Boy who helped me disappeared. He was nice. At first he was scary, but then he removed the mask. I hope I can see him again soon. The people he took me to also seem nice.

They brought me to a place to fix my arms and feet. They hurt less now. Maybe Green Bunny was telling the truth, and I was safe...

Tsukauchi POV

We decided to question the girl in the hospital. She had obviously gone through a lot and we don't think she liked closed areas.

I decided to  get straight to the point.

"Did you see Green Bunnys' face?" I asked slowly.

She nodded her head.

"Can you tell me what he looked like?"

She sat quietly for a few seconds before shaking her head. 


3rd Person POV

When Green Bunny took off his mask, he did it slowly. He was hesitant. Eri easily read his body language. It was one of her special traits. 

She knew Green Bunny only lowered his mask so that she would trust him. He didn't want anyone else to see his face. 

She was not going to let anyone find out his secret.

She would help him like how he helped her.

Izuku POV

Immediately after school I went to the hospital. Both Mom and Eri were being treated here.

Life was hard without Mom. I had started working to earn enough money to pay for her hospital bills. I was working in a cafe, but the salary wasn't enough. That's why I had figured out another way to earn money. People would pay me to gather information and capture people.

I never worked for villains. Only a few vigilantes and heroes.

After visiting mom, I went to the cafe. My shift ended at 6. Now I'm going to visit Eri. Quietly, I put on my vigilante costume. A plain green hoodie, a black mask, usually with a white design on it, black pants and red sneakers.Not the best attire for blending in, but they were Green Bunnys' signature colours.

The only thing I didn't cover were my eyes. Masks that covered my full face pocked my eyes and were extremely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, this increased my chances of getting caught. I needed to be extra careful.

I was sitting on a tree near the room they kept Eri in. I waited for everyone to leave and then hacked into the camera's. I inserted a loop of Eri sleeping. Quietly, I jumped onto the window's ledge and swiftly lifted it up. I slipped inside and walked up to Eris' bed.

"Eri! Hey! It's me! Green Bunny!" 


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