9- Nezu

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Nezu POV

1:00 AM 

I was sitting in my office, waiting. I had a very important meeting scheduled. It was with Green Bunny. He had information on the LOV and I needed it. The students had been put at risk too many times. I also wanted to find out more about him. 

He was interesting. All the villains hated him, the heroes and police found him frustrating, and nearly all the citizens in japan loved him. I wanted to find out more about him. He intrigues me.

Right on time he jumps in through the window. I start taking mental notes.

"Principle Nezu." He greats.

"Green Bunny"

"I have the USB"

"Thank you. This is the money you asked for."

We exchange items.


"Is there something wrong?" I ask innocently.

"You have given me more than requested..."

"Think of it as a thank you."

"I'm afraid I have to refuse. The amount I have already demanded was enough. I do not wish to take any more than I have asked for."

"Well then, I suppose it cannot be helped." I say removing the money.

He bows then jumps out through the window.

Through this short conversation I have gathered enough information to come to a conclusion. 

This vigilante is not who the public suspects him to be.

Izuku POV

I hope Nezu didn't get enough information to confirm my identity. This trade was risky, but the money was worth it. I could probably rent an apartment for a few weeks and buy food to last me for some time. I realised I hadn't checked on Eri in a while. I started walking in the direction of her house, planning my shift tonight.

When I arrived I perched myself upon a tree and looked through the window, into her house. I was about to go home when I saw Aizawa enter. He walked up to Eri and stroked her hair. 

"Goodnight problem child..."

It felt as though my heart had been stabed multiple times. I never had a dad and my mom just died. I felt so lonely. The only friends I ever had thought I was missing and I couldn't visit Eri beacause it would put her in danger.

I forced myself to stop the pain. I couldn't deal with it right now. Silently, I jumped down from the tree and retreated into the shadows.

Time to begin my patrol.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.

I'm trying to write longer chapters beacause I feel they are too short.

Please give me any feedback so I can improve my writing.


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