11- Manipulation

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Izuku POV

That man. He said something about the LOV. I didn't quite catch it though. Something like...

"The LOV... want... revenge... looking..."

I pieced this together, forming it into;

"The LOV want revenge. They're looking for you."

Now I have to run from them and the Heroes! This is so annoying. I jumped down into another ally way. Only to be met by Aizawa. Why. I know I'm whining, but why, out of all the days they could have come for me. 

I could feel the adrenaline from the previous fight wearing off. I examined my body. I had only just realized the shape it was in. The man must have got a few punches in. My ribs felt broken. I probably sprained my foot. My fingers hurt from punching him. What was he made of? 

I felt someone behind me. I turned my head a little, not letting Aizawa out of my eyesight. 

Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi....

"Green Bunny, what a surprise. I see you got our message..." Shigaraki said happily.

Looked behind me towards Aizawa. I guess we are on the same side today. Aizawa nodded in understanding.

I assessed the situation. I was already beat up. They were obviously not expecting me though. This tilted the power in our favour. He didn't have any hostages and no one was living in these parts. If I strike first, They would all ponce on me like wolves. They had to come to me.

"Just going to stand there Shigaraki? Too scared to attack? Mad that I defeated your 'overpowered' henchman?"

That got him mad.

He lunged at me, Dabi and Toga following behind him.

Wrong move.

I dodged them all. Aizawa had erased Dabi's quirk. That's good. Togas would be useless here. I would have to deal with Dabi and Toga first. Aizawa was fighting Toga. He was doing okay on his own. I focused on Dabi.

"Todoroki's son?"

He said nothing.

"If you think you can hide your identity, your wrong. Your quirk is literally fire. Its just like Endeavor's Blue Flames. Cremation right? You ran away because of him right? Abusive dad figure. I don't even have a dad, but hey, I'm not a villain!"

I dodge his attacks. He's getting frustrated now. I know too much.

"Want to know what happened to your family after you left? Your brother started getting trained to replace you! I've seen him a few times. Did you see him get into UA? You must be so proud. Your mom, Rei, right? Ya, she was sent to a mental hospital..."

I was just telling him what he already knew but... I felt horrible.

No wonder he ran away. His family was so messed up. 

I was talking softer now.

"Your brother was literally tortured by your father. Your mom went insane. Your siblings where ignored. And throughout all of this. You were a villain. And Endevour got all the popularity."

I hated talking like this. I never liked manipulation. 


Lets just get his over with.

I jumped around him, using the same technique I had used on the other man, almost hitting the back of his neck, he jumped away just in time. I looked around me. Aizawa was bleeding. Shigaraki had decided to join the fight. We were losing. Backup wouldn't come in time.

In the seconds that I was distracted, Dabi let out a blast of fire. I barely managed not to get barbecued. My arm was burnt, the skin nearly completely singed. I felt tears in my eyes. My body couldn't take anymore. My ribs were definitely broken.

I had to get away with Aizawa, otherwise we were both dead.

I reached into my pocket. I pulled out a small vial. Inside was a gas. Somnambulist. I had collected some of it once when Midnight was chasing after me. I threw it on the ground. Everyone immediately left the area. I was wearing a mask so I was not affected.

The League managed to escape. They wouldn't be able to see us through the gas. I ran up to Aizawa. He knocked unconscious. I picked him up carefully. I jumped into the air, running across the city, towards the police station as fast as I could. I didn't hear anyone behind me. Good.

Eventually we reached the police station. I walked inside and gave him to the front desk. The lady looked confused but he wasn't my problem anymore. I quickly took off, heading home.

Time Skip

I looked down at my injuries. I don't think I can make tommorows patrol.

Hopefully I wont miss anything important.


Thanks for reading.


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