13- Well Thought Out

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3rd Person POV

9:00 AM

They had surrounded his house. Both the LOV and police. Pro hero EraserHead was also there to help if anything went wrong. He also wanted to catch this... teen/man... to see who he really was.

They didn't realize they weren't the only ones waiting to attack...

9:05 AM

The league charged towards the house, only to be met with the police. Both sides were shocked. How? Why? Were they betrayed? No. This was just their really bad luck.

Shigaraki groaned. This was going to make things a lot more harder. At least there were no pro heroes.

9:10 AM

They hadn't recognized Aizawa yet. He was an underground hero. No one really knew him.

Toga was the first to notice that the odds were not in their favor.

"Guys. I think that's a pro hero. Must be one of the underground ones. Shigaraki, what should we do?"

Great. Just great. Should they retreat? No. They were stubborn that way.

"Keep fighting. Well make it through..." he replied.

Both sides fought gruesomely. Unfortunately for the league, they were out numbered and wouldn't be able to win this fight.

Eventually they retreated, escaping into the shadows. The coast was finally clear for the police.

9:20 AM

Izuku woke up with a start. He limped silently to his window. The police and league were fighting. Piecing the scenario together in his mind, he finally understood the situation.

Before he knew it, the police and Pro Hero EraserHead had won and started to quietly move into the house.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to formulate a plan. There was too much evidence in this room. Fingerprints, objects, equipment... but... maybe there was a way out of this...

9:25 AM

The police walked into the room that Green Bunny was supposed to be in. The whole place was covered in water, not a single spot left dry.

What was he doing in here?

They saw him laying on his bed. As soon as they entered they pulled out there guns, all of them pointing at him. Slowly he started to wake up. His bed was wet as well. It looked as though he fell asleep in his costume, the one with a full mask. Not a single piece of skin was showing.

He jumped out of bed and backed into the corner slowly limping.

This gave the police hope. If he was injured he wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. And they were right. Sort of.

He pretended to be unable to fight and willing let himself get caught. The water was used for them to not be able to detect any finger prints. The clothing he was wearing  would be impossible to take off. He was disguised effectively. 

He knocked himself unconscious. It was one of the many skills he had learned while being a vigilante. This way they could easily get him into the police station and give him time to formulate the next stage of his plan.

Others would think that this was a rash and reckless plan. It was, but it was a well thought out plan, that was not going to fail.

Or so he thought...


Thanks for reading!

Hope your enjoying my book so far and if you've made it to the end of this chapter,  thanks!

I appreciate it!

Btw, 13 is my favorite number.

Idk why.


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