7- Missing or Dead?

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Izuku POV

Today was my mom's funeral. I wanted to grieve, to cry, but I couldn't. She died months too early. She always joked that her immune system was weak...

Instead of crying, right after the funeral I started planning. They would come for me, the police. They would send me to an orphanage. I've seen the way they treat the quirkless... I couldn't go there, it would completely break me.

I thought of Eri and Uraraka. They were the only people still alive that I cared for. 

Did they care for me though...?

I could positively say they did. Even if they were the only ones who cared, they still did... so could I execute my reckless plan without harming them...?

Yes, if I do it right.

Could they live without me though...?


They would be sad, but they would get over it. I would never see them again. I wouldn't be able to see Eri during our midnight visits, I wouldn't have a friend to comfort me at the cafe, I wouldn't be happy... but... I think this is the best option... 

to run away...


Izu never came for his midnight visit. When I looked at the TV, it said he was missing. I asked Papa what that meant. He said that they had disappeared. I was sad. Why did Izu have to disappear? Could I never see him again? 

I went back into my room and silently cried. It was because of Izu that I had escaped. I didn't want him to disappear. Maybe he would come back? Maybe one day he would visit me... I hoped I could see him again...

Uraraka POV

Deku was missing. I cried and cried and cried. He was my best friend, the one who believed in me, the one who encouraged me to get into UA. It was because of him that I passed the entrance exams.

I knew he didn't want to go to the orphanage; I was there at his mom's funeral... he looked so empty... I hope he's ok....

I hope he's not dead...


Thaks for reading! Sorry my updates are so short. I'm stressed and tired, but I'll try to update! You all make my day!



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